In "Lite'n Up: Laugh Yourself Skinny", Samara Q. Klein pens a diet book with her funnybone well positioned
by Dan E. Bloom
"Lite'n Up: Laugh Yourself Skinny" by Samara Q. Klein is a new book for those who want to diet with humor attached. How the book came to be is an interesting story. By the way, for those of you who are curious, the Q. of her middle name stands for Quirine.
When this reporter asked Klein what the
genesis of her book was, she replied in an email: "Over ten years ago, I gained a fair amount of weight and was determined to
lose it. The serious side of me decided this was no laughing matter and
took control. But it failed. Miserably. I became obsessed with
dieting, which caused me to be anxious all the time -- a sure prescription
for disaster."
"Stressed out about losing weight, I reached for a bag of
chips to pacify my anxiety, which caused me to feel badly about myself, so
I reached for a pint of ice cream in which to drown my sorrows," she added. "It was a
vicious cycle -- for both my hips and psyche."
Klein, 29, continued: "I was faced with a conundrum. I knew that the only way to lose the junk
from my trunk was to diet, but sticking to a diet seemed impossible. Every
time, I'd start off strong, full determination, only to get anxious and
lose my resolve three days later."
"That's when the not-serious side of me came to the rescue," she said.
Her not-serious side told her,as she remembers: "Samara, dieting doesn't
need to be serious and humorless. In fact, that's exactly what
it shouldn't be. Stay chill and you'll stick with it."
Klein continued her email to this reporter: "So, each day, I thought of a funny phrase such as, 'If I had to choose, which would I take:
a) great sex or b) fettuccine alfredo. Helpful thought, Samara: you do have
to choose.' and whenever I got stressed-out about dieting and wanted to
pacify myself with junk food, I harkened back to my silly reminder and the
anxiety diminished -- along with it, the desire to eat."
She added: "Happily anxiety free and slim, I decided to compile all of my funny
reminders, which I then presented to my a literary agent in New York who then showed the project to a savvy publisher, who saw the book as a diet journal: a notebook in which to record the date, your weight, what you eat, and your hits and bombs, each page
accompanied by a funny reminder. That's how the book came to be."
Klein has a website up now at www.samaralitenup.com, and there's a blog and space for readers to comment and react.
"My hope is that my book -- 'Lite'n Up: Laugh Yourself Skinny' -- will help women see that
dieting doesn't need to be such a serious undertaking -- that, in fact, the
two seemingly-contradictory positions of maintaining resolve and having fun
is the only way to lose weight. After all, itss hard to stuff your face
when you're laughing," Klein said.
When asked how the book was being marketed, she replied: "The book is being marketed to women of all ages who are on a diet via radio interviews, an IndieBound mailing and also a targeted mailing to key media and sales accounts, as
well as a larger sample mailing."
There's more coming soon, too, she said. From late June through August (bikini season in the USA), there will be a contest,
the details of which are still being worked out, Klein noted. The grand-prize winner
will receive a work-out wardrobe from KDDance.
Pub Notes"
Title: Lite’n Up: Laugh Yourself Skinny
Author: Samara Q. Klein
Retail: $14.95
ISBN: 978-0977738359
Pages: 128
Format: paperback
Plain White Press
White Plains, NY 10601
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