Saturday, January 27, 2018

The German-language cover for a translation of T.C. Boyle's latest short story collection published this month in Germany only (although the cover copy uses English for the cover title.) There are 20 stories from Wild Child & A Death in Kitchawank, opening with “Balto” & closing with “Los Gigantes,” the sources confirmed.

The German-language cover for a translation of T.C. Boyle's latest short story collection published this month in Germany only (although the cover copy uses English for the cover title and note that the book has no dust jacket. It’s built-in, according to publishing sources. There are 20 stories from Wild Child & A Death in Kitchawank, opening with “Balto” & closing with “Los Gigantes,” the sources confirmed.

It's a short story collection unique to Germany, and published only in Germany in German, for Boyle's German readers and fans, combining stories from two of his previous short story collections. You can see more about it at Amazon's site in Germany:

  • Pub date and Publisher: 
  • der Hörverlag; Auflage: Gekürzte Lesung, Auswahl (January 29, 2018)

Wenn bei T.C. Boyle von "Good Home" die Rede ist, muss man auf alles gefasst sein: Ein Witwer legt sich eine Schlange zu, aber die Ratten, mit denen er sie füttern will, wachsen ihm so sehr ans Herz, dass er Dreizehnhundert von ihnen beherbergt. Eine Zwölfjährige soll vor Gericht gegen ihren alkoholkranken Vater aussagen; und plötzlich gibt es viele Wahrheiten. Eine betörende Frau lässt sich auf den Hundemann ein – kurz zuvor hatte sie ihm ihre Kätzchen anvertraut, doch was er mit denen vorhat, kann sie nicht ahnen. Der Bestsellerautor erkundet in seinen neuen Erzählungen, die dieser Band versammelt, die dunkle Seite der amerikanischen Seele – witzig, exzentrisch, unheimlich.

T. Coraghessan Boyle, born  in 1948 in Peekskill, N.Y., geboren, unterrichtete an der University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Bei Hanser erschienen zuletzt Willkommen in Wellville (Roman, 1993), América (Roman, 1996), Riven Rock (Roman, 1998), Fleischeslust (Erzählungen, 1999), Ein Freund der Erde (Roman, 2001), Schluß mit cool (Erzählungen, 2002), Drop City (Roman, 2003), Dr. Sex (Roman, 2005), Talk Talk (Roman, 2006), Zähne und Klauen (Erzählungen, 2008), Die Frauen (Roman, 2009), Das wilde Kind (Erzählung, 2010), Wenn das Schlachten vorbei ist (Roman, 2012), San Miguel (Roman, 2013), die Neuübersetzung von Wassermusik (Roman, 2014), Hart auf hart (Roman, 2015), die Neuübersetzung von Grün ist die Hoffnung (Roman, 2016) und Die Terranauten (Roman, 2017). Im Frühjahr 2018 erscheint ein neuer großer Erzählungsband: ''Good Home.''

Friday, January 26, 2018

Cli-Fi Compass: some news links from around the world about the rise of cli-fi around the world

關於「cli-fi」的報導圖片 (來源:Yale Climate Connections)

Scientist's take: 'Cli-fi' can make a difference

Yale Climate Connections-2017年11月8日
Recently, I participated as a scientist in a forum with Screen Australia, looking at how cli-fi might communicate the issues around climate change in new ways. I'm a heatwave scientist and I'd love to see a cli-fi story bringing the experience of heatwaves to light. After the forum, Screen Australia put out a call ...
關於「cli-fi」的報導圖片 (來源:Midwest Energy News)

Commentary: To fight climate change, we must change our vocabulary

Midwest Energy News-2018年1月4日
An entire genre, in fact, is developing, what some call climate fiction, or “cli-fi” for short. It focuses on a dystopian present in contrast to the dystopian futures highlighted in conventional science fiction. This cli-fi genre serve two key purposes, one for writers and one for environmentalists. “I think we need a ...
關於「cli-fi」的報導圖片 (來源:中國新聞網 (新聞發布))

當下科幻最流行啥? 中國人談AI靈魂,美國人怕紐約被淹

中國新聞網 (新聞發布)-2018年1月9日
自從美國記者丹·布隆創造了「氣候小說」(Cli-Fi這個新詞后,他終於等到了一部這個類型的最新代表作品——金·斯坦利·羅賓遜的《紐約2140》(New York 2140)。在小說中,全球暖化使得海平面上升了50英尺,紐約的下曼哈頓成為一片澤國,街道成為河道,摩天大樓成為孤島。在一座大廈中居住著股票交易員、偵探、網 ...
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Cli-Fi源自於“climate fiction”,意指“氣候小說”,它是由英國籍記者Dan Bloom所創造的新術語。這些小說內容雖然都是虛構的,但有趣的是,Cli-Fi小說通常以可信的方式呈現出真實的科學,能讓讀者了解到真正氣候變遷的科學層面,也因此Cli-Fi說變成了實用又好玩的教學工具。Cli-Fi小說不乏一些十分著名的作家, ..

關於「cli-fi」的報導圖片 (來源:L'ADN)

Après la sci-fi, la cli-fi

Alors que la science-fiction fait des émules depuis de nombreuses années, un petit nouveau proche de celle-ci est récemment venu s'assoir à la grande table des genres littéraires, la cli-fi. Il s'agit de l'abréviation pour « climate fiction » (fiction climatique). Inventé par l'écrivain Dan Bloom, le terme désigne ...
關於「cli-fi」的報導圖片 (來源:La

La « fiction climatique », une nouvelle façon de parler du ...

Au tournant des années 2010, la presse américaine relatait l'apparition d'un nouveau genre littéraire, la « cli-fi » (pour climate fiction), terme inventé en 2008 par l'écrivain et blogueur Dan Bloom. Les romans de « fiction climatique » prennent généralement la forme de récits post-apocalyptiques où des ...
關於「cli-fi」的報導圖片 (來源:ID, L'info Durable)

Une sélection de BD pour buller sous la couette ce dimanche

ID, L'info Durable-2018年1月21日
En France, cette tendance n'a pas touché le grand public encore, et si certains auteurs de sciences fictions comme Alain Damasio sont très sensibles aux questions de l'écologie et du vivant (article réservé aux abonnés), les romans de cli-fin'ont pas la même importance culturelle hors des public de niche.
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Scifi Eye: The terrifying potential of future weather

The Engineer-2018年1月22日
Apocalyptic fiction has bloomed as modern scifi writers explore the implications of this unwanted responsibility. Extreme weather has created many future stories: for example: the floods and freezing of The Day After Tomorrow. In turn, an entire branch of 'cli-fi' literature has emerged to guess at the manner ...
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¿Puede la ficción ayudarnos a combatir el cambio climático?

LA NACION (Argentina)-2018年1月21日
El encanto fúnebre de ciudades sumergidas y la sutil atmósfera de melancolía que envolvía los últimos vestigios de una civilización prácticamente perdida para siempre fascinaban al escritor inglés, que, a su modo, se adelantaba a lo que recién en 2004 el periodista Dan Bloom bautizaría como " cli-fi" o ...

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

BURNING WORLDS cli-fi trends newsletter Number 1 (for this blog's archives in the case of a computer glitch or gridlock worldwide)

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Hi friends! Welcome to the Burning Worlds newsletter.

This month marks the one-year anniversary of my "Burning Worlds" cli-fi column at theChicago Review of Books. The column is dedicated to exploring how contemporary fiction addresses climate change. This newsletter takes that focus one step further by linking to interviews, essays, and other great writing by people around the world who are also exploring how literature  --  and other types of art--    are grappling with climate change. Please encourage your like-minded friends to sign up!

Thanks for subscribing! -- Amy Brady
January's "Burning Worlds" Column

Spoke with Robin MacArthur, author of Heart Spring Mountain (out now on Ecco Books). We discussed what influenced her latest work, the house she built together with her husband, and what millennials can learn from earlier generations about fighting climate change and other big world problems.

Want more cli-fi reading recommendations?

Check out EcoLit Books's favorite reads of 2017. They list fiction and nonfiction titles, all wrestling with climate change and other environmental concerns. 
An artist you should know: Zaria Forman

Forman communicates the urgency of climate change through incredible drawings of remote landscapes. Her work has appeared in National GeographicSmithsonian Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, at NYC's new Climate Museum, and as part of Banksy's Dismaland. Listen to an interview with her at Your Creative Push.
How cli-fi theater artists address climate change

These theater professionals are using "greenturgy" to discover environmental themes that might otherwise lay hidden in theatrical works. (viaHowlround)


This gorgeous work of nonfiction is what's currently on my bedside table. It chronicles the findings of conservation biologist Gleb Raygorodetsky as he traveled around the world, visiting Indigenous populations and asking them about how climate change has affected their communities--and what they're doing about it.

What are you reading? Tell me on Twitter what I should pick up next. Tag your Tweet with #burningworlds so more folks can see it!
Art openings, readings, and other events happening this month:
  • 88 Cores, an art exhibition by Peggy Weil. The Climate Museum, New York City. January 19 – February 11
  • Ethics, Excess, Extinction, an art exhibition featuring Nick Brandt, Antonio Briceño, Rohan Chhabra, Ryder Cooley, Billie Lynn Grace, Gale Hart, Andrea Hasler, Chris Jordan, Kahn & Selesnick, Karen Knorr, Kiki Smith, Karolina Sobecka, Esther Traugot, and Jessica Harrison. El Paso Museum of Art, El Paso, Texas. January 26 - May 13

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Amy Brady · 223 Bedford Avenue #1003 · Brooklyn, NY 11211 · USA

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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

LA NACION (Argentina) Oped by Federico Kukso "Can Climate Fiction Novels and Movies help fight climate change? [English translation here]

關於「cli-fi」的報導圖片 (來源:LA NACION (Argentina))

¿Puede la ficción ayudarnos a combatir el cambio climático?

LA NACION (Argentina)-2018年1月21日
El encanto fúnebre de ciudades sumergidas y la sutil atmósfera de melancolía que envolvía los últimos vestigios de una civilización prácticamente perdida para siempre fascinaban al escritor inglés, que, a su modo, se adelantaba a lo que recién en 2004 el periodista Dan Bloom bautizaría como " cli-fi" o ...

Can fiction help us combat climate change?

Alert. Ballard Atwood, many novelists ecological disasters 
have reported that since the empathy that 
generates a story, perhaps arouse greater 
awareness of the risks of global warming
Federico Kukso 
 1 january 21, 2018
Nearly 200 years ago, on a remote island in Indonesia, all hell broke loose on Earth. A great roar announced the advancement of darkness at 7 pm on April 10, 1815, an explosion rocked Sumbawa, in the archipelago by then known as the Dutch East Indies. For more than two hours, the Tambora volcano spewed the columns of ash and rock atmosphere, days before flying through the air and kill all vegetation. It was the largest known volcanic eruption of the last thousand years, the most devastating: 71,000 people died in the region since that time not so far away, it is known as the "Pompeii of the East". There was tsunamis, there was starvation, disease and forced migration. There was desolation.
Credit: Pablo Feliz
Everyone felt the fury of the volcano for months. Ash and million tons of sulfur dioxide thrown engulf the planet as a veil, reflecting sunlight so that the overall temperature decreased almost three degrees. The sun seemed to fade and there were those who ensure that was on the verge of extinction. In Europe, from May to September 1816 he fell an incessant rain and frost occurred. Summer never came and ruined crops, causing the worst famine of the nineteenth century. Food prices soared as oats, making it extremely expensive to have horses to move. In response, the German inventor Karl Drais was inspired and developed the Laufmaschine ( "treadmill"), forerunner of today 's bike.
The "year without a summer" molded the zeitgeist and especially modern literature. Incessant rains and lightning stimulated the Gothic spirit and four friends forced to take refuge in a house in Switzerland where momentarily left the world. There, on 17 June 1816 as the independence fever spreading across America with the force of a virus, a low girl, frail-looking but imagination as fervent as dark call Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin begat the monster of Frankenstein, in presence of her husband, the poet Percy Bysshe presumptuous Shelley. And with the great genius of Lord Byron, William Polidori doctor created the genre of romantic vampire who years later would inspire Bram Stoker to write his famous book, Dracula.

pure realism

Climate change and turbulence literature. And now, with warmth, a certain sector of literature seeks not so much change the weather -so altered for more than 150 years ago by human beings but rather to channel the global conversation, encourage adaptation to the climate crisis that already throbs and it is forecast to get worse. "Climate change not only affects the climate. It involves political, economic, cultural changes. It is already causing displaced, new refugees, riots," says the Italian writer Bruno Arpaia. His novel,Something out there -recently presented in the cycle "Narratives of reality" of the National University of San Martin, is around 2070, when the planet has warmed while the United States and some parts of Europe they have collapsed to drought and desertification. Amid political, economic and military, masses of refugees escaping conflict, seeking to reach the new paradise: the Nordic countries, Siberia or Canada, benefiting areas climate changes. "It's not about a dystopian and apocalyptic novel he insists. It is a realistic novel. I pose scenarios that scientists foresee, what will happen if we do nothing."
When JG Ballard wrote The submerged world (1962), the words "global warming" had not yet entered the public vocabulary, shaken more by terms such as "acid rain" and "thermonuclear war". The funeral charm of sunken cities and the subtle atmosphere of melancholy that enveloped the last vestiges of an almost lost civilization forever fascinated the English writer who, in his way, was ahead of what until 2004 the journalist Dan Bloom christened as " cli-fi "or climate fiction; that is, stories that they borrow from their didactic fables intended to ethical and universal character to explore imaginary future, warn climate scenarios that await us and amplify the debate.
"The succession of huge geological upheavals that transformed the Earth's climate had begun sixty or seventy years ago," Ballard writes in his novel. "The average temperature rose a few degrees per year, worldwide. The tropics were soon uninhabitable and entire populations migrated, escaping at temperatures of 50 and 60 degrees. [...] Continued warming had begun to melt the polar ice caps. Tens of thousands of floes of the Arctic circle, Greenland and northern Europe spilled into the sea. "

Direct emotion

Unlike the daily bombing and depressive temperature increases, megatormentas, polar melting, ecological disasters and other tragedies that its saturating effect-and disturbing-shake our indifference rather than call to action, this sub-genre novels appeal empathy and amend what many psychiatrists already know: the facts and information alone will not change our opinions on a topic.
We are more emotional than rational beings. Through his dramatic scaffolding, the cli-finovels are able to bring about a transformation: manage climate change - a problem considered abstract, alien, distant, inabarcable- an urgent threat, close, all becomes. "The goal is to reach people with -Indicates Bloom- emotions. Attract not only climate activists but also some of the deniers".
In 2005, the English writer Robert Macfarlane asked, "Where are the novels, plays, poems, songs, on our contemporary climate anxiety?". Gradually emerges an answer.
Ian McEwan was dispatched with his scientific satire Solar. Social chaos and despair caused by environmental disasters seeped into the trilogy of novels Oryx and Crake, the year of the flood and MaddAdam, Margaret Atwood; Also, in Far North ecoapocalíptica, Marcel Theroux; Back to the Garden, Canadian Clara Hume; Odds Against Tomorrow,Nathaniel Rich, and the amazing novels Paolo Bacigalupi The Windup Girl and The Water Knife.
"History shows that the worst crises can lead to unity , " said the Finn Antti Tuomainen, who in his novel The Healer escapes the cliches of the disaster literature and unveiled athriller: the story of a murderer who kills family employers to blame for the constant rains, epidemics, the crisis of climate refugees in Helsinki and in the world.
In the last fifty years, the image of the future changed with the same frequency voluble fashions. The future was some unavoidable time, cheerful, bright, a tireless promise, a valley of opportunities, an area of ​​speculation, the finish line of the march of progress, an endless landscape of possibilities. He was also a fetish, an obsession, exclusive property of the oracles and soothsayers, and a gloomy cross-continent rain missiles ready to unleash a third great war. Today, the fear of tomorrow -installed by climate change, terrorism and the vagaries and diplomatic friction between the lunatics who rule the United States and North Korea overshadows the idea of ​​future beyond that expected so often has become more tenuous less solid. This progressive darkening is evident in the historical development of science fiction, a literary ghetto whose biggest trick is to use the future as a mirror to talk about the present.
Kim Stanley Robinson has proven to be one of the most present and strong voices in this field so often disparaged from the ivory tower of high literature. After getting tired of imagining human expansion for our small solar system (for example, in his trilogy Red Mars, Green Mars and Blue Mars), this American writer returned to Earth dream. In his ambitious and recent New York 2140, situated in a future not too distant or too close, climate change has worsened and millions of people have died. The waters rose about 15 meters and much of the Big Apple has become a "SuperVenecia". The great enemy is savage capitalism, greed, inequality. Unlike news headlines and weather feed our nihilism and choke us with heaping images of desperation, Robinson injected into his book necessary dose of optimism: despite the ecological disaster, New Yorkers manage to adapt. The climate crisis shakes the lives of thousands, but does not mean the end of civilization. "Life is robust writes the author. It is stronger than money, that weapons and bad policies. It is stronger than capitalism. With climate change will not end the world. That means that climate change we will have are dealing with a lot of new problems, but the apocalypse has come. "

Living in fiction

Since traveled to Antarctica in 1995 and was surprised by what he saw, Robinson has been obsessed with climate change. In his trilogy Science in the Capital -written during the presidency of George W. Bush and also located in the cercano- future ecological catastrophe strikes Washington: first, the overflowing of the Potomac River, and then days of clashes between untie deep freeze researchers and bureaucrats of a system that denies the reality and resist policy change. "My original idea was to write a realistic novel as if it counts science fiction. This approach seemed the most appropriate because these days we live in a science fiction novel that we are writing together."
As the biosphere, the solar system, a black hole or Internet, the British philosopher Timothy Morton sees climate change as a hiperobjeto, ie such a big phenomenon in time and space that we can not grasp or understand fully . We see only blurred fragments. Only through the humanities-the art, music, literature-says, we feel our new reality and thus leave only thinking about climate change to begin to feel crumbles around our planet, becoming less hospitable world like we had taken for granted.