Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Climate Depot to Post Item about Self-immolation Climate Protest: "Thanks Danny. I will post. Very interesting."

re this planned climate activiststs' self-immmolation climate protest before Copenhagen talks begin on Dec. 7, perhaps in front of UN bldg in Manhattan.....
NOTE: with Copenhagen meetings starting in less then 100 days, some climate activists are now planning a dramatic self-immolation protest in front of the UN bulding in NYC before the summit opens, with 5 people appearing to set themselves on fire to protest the world's inaction on all this. However, they will be using Hollywood stuntmen suits to protect them from the flames and no one, repeat, no one, will get hurt or die. It's all part of a concerted PR effort to get the world to wake up and pay attention. If anyone wants details and rehearsed photos of the event, email me at bikolang AT gmail dot com

Marc Morano, who runs Climate Depot, a major climate change website, which doesn't always agree with me, or me with it, but Marc is a good man and very civil, and he emails me after I sent him this item: "Thanks Danny. I will post. Very interesting."



  1. Puducherry: Activists of the Movement for the Welfare of Freedom fighters of Union Territory of Puducherry were taken into custody today when they tried to embark on a 'self-immolation' protest near Orleanpet junction here today in support of their demands.

    The movement president D.Sivaraj was among the 120 activists who taken into custody, police said.

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