Wednesday, September 2, 2009

郭台銘手護健康 拱手不握手 - New gesture for avoiding swine flue -- Terry Gou in new ad for CDC, Taiwan

郭台銘 手護健康 拱手不握手 -- Kuo Shu-song, right, director of the CDC in Taiwan, poses with an ad featuring Terry Gou. The copy says instead of shaking hands, it is better now to use body language and give the traditional Taiwanese gonxi greeting, two hands clasped together, so as to avoid touching the other person's hand (skin) and thus helping to prevent swine flu viruses from spreading nationwide or even in the boardroom or classroom. GoOD IDEA!

SO OO JEN HAN in Chinese pronounciation

PHoto from CNA news service, August 31, 2009

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