Thursday, October 25, 2018

The New York Times Book Review under editor Pamela Paul is going cli-fi for EARTH DAY WEEK 2019

The New York Times Book Review under editor Pamela Paul is going cli-fi.
Yes, The Times Book Review section noted that while it puts a spotlight on “books and stories, it also puts the spotlight also on how novels being written today reflect the world outside of books.”
Editors said that climate change and global warming are major existential threats to humanity and therefore the Times is printing 5 cli-fi short stories in an upcoming issue of the standalone Sunday New York Times Book Review, all written by well-known novelists.
One of the short stories on the Times' online Book Review page - to be published in Sunday's print edition that week -  will be a chilling story about climate change in the 21st century.

A Times spokesperson told CNN: "These stories are but works of fiction, climate fiction, a new genre dubbed 'cli-fi' and they will he part of our Earth Day week edition in 2019.''

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