Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Amazon Original Series launches a cli-fi short story collection featuring 7 top American authors

Amazon Original Series launches a cli-fi short story collection featuring 7 top American authors

What is cli-fi?

A new literary genre that is rising fast in these post-IPCC Report times...

Emily Birnbaum at @thehill writes for The Hill website -- @birnbaum_e -- beneath a headline that reads: ''Amazon launches a ''cli-fi'' series of short stories about some ‘possible tomorrows’''...

See also earlier news here:

Amazon Original Stories, an Amazon Publishing imprint, has launched a cli-fi short story collection about "possible tomorrows" in a United States ravaged by climate change.

The series, called "Warmer," includes seven cli-fi short stories that explore fictional stories about characters fighting to survive despite rising temperatures, floods, ice storms and rising sea levels.
“'Warmer' is our first collection of topical fiction, an area where we plan to keep expanding next year with collections of socially-attuned suspense stories, tales of dating after #MeToo, and more," Original Stories’ editorial director Julia Sommerfeld told Porter Anderson in an interview with Publishing Perspectives.

Good timing? Although conceived more than two years ago, the collection launched only a few weeks after an IPCC United Nations report warned that the world might be on a path toward catastrophic climate change if greenhouse gas emissions aren’t cut dramatically by 2030.

Each short story in "Warmer" takes place in a U.S. state.

"At The Bottom of New Lake" tells the story of a Cape Cod girl learning about the world before an enormous flood washed away its remnants, while "Boca Raton" explores a girl in Florida who discovers "heartbreaking evidence of an irreversibly changing earth," according to the story  summaries on Amazon.


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