Thursday, September 8, 2016

Maureen O’Reilly in Toronto: ''I don’t have to tell you that Margaret Atwood is a fierce defender of public libraries.''

Maureen O’Reilly in Toronto: ''I don’t have to tell you that Margaret Atwood is a fierce defender of public libraries.'' - Sept. 8, 2016

I’m sure you recall Margaret standing up for Our Public Library when the Ford brothers targeted the TPL for punitive budget cuts a few years ago. She made a huge difference then and continues to make a huge difference today for public libraries across the country.
In fact, Margaret has asked me to share with you a project close to her heart.
The small public library in Kentville, Nova Scotia in the beautiful Annapolis Valley is relocating from a used car dealership where it has served the public for 29 years under less than ideal circumstances.

The new Library will feature a Young Adult area to be known as Killam Corner, named after Margaret’s grandfather, Dr. Harold Killam. A valley country doctor in the early years of the 20th century, Dr. Killam made house visits night and day by horse and buggy and sleigh in the winter. He was an apple farmer too!
The Killam clan came to Nova Scotia at the time of the American Revolution, so Margaret is connected to the Kentville Library through deep family roots.

But, she has an equally strong connection in her commitment to public libraries.
That is why Margaret has pledged to raise US$20,000 to finance Killam Corner.
On behalf of the Toronto Public Library Workers Union, I am making a contribution to this cause and I hope you will too.

Maureen O’Reilly in Toronto: ''I have never asked you to donate money before, but this is special.''

Please donate any amount – no matter how small -- by clicking on this link and following the steps:
Please join me and support Margaret in this project.
Yours sincerely,
MaureenMaureen Signature
Maureen O’Reilly
PS: Margaret is half way to the goal of raising $20,000. Please help us to put the Killam Corner fund over the top with a small contribution today. Click here to donate. is a network of people dedicated to preserving the integrity of one of the world’s greatest public library systems, the Toronto Public Library and is sponsored by the Toronto Public Library Workers Union.
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