Thursday, September 8, 2016

A NYC rock opera about climate change building momentum as Madmen and Dreamers dreams on

Mark A. Durstewitz  tells this blogger:

We are in pre-production for our climate change rock opera; The Nature of Man, (our bizplan is getting serious interest) and things are frantically busy so I’ll get right to the point.



 When you have a moment there’s more from the show on our band FB:
The static picture “videos” are from The Nature of Man. Christine Hull is the person singing all the guide tracks, regardless of the character who will be singing them live. We have a corporate send-up of our national anthem called ''The Star Spangled Profit,'' which I think you’ll like. When we were helping with the people’s climate march the entire music block sang it one night. It was amazing with 30-40 people singing it.
There are also some live video of our first project, ''The Children of Children'', which enjoyed a limited off-broadway run a few years back.
The thing we need most is Spread the Word (please). The more viral it becomes, the better. Our FB numbers are very good as far as the music industry is concerned but there may be corporate resistance (which is why we’re concentrating on private investors). Roughly 90% of our followers are 13 to 23 years old with another 6 or 7% in the 24 to 34 age bracket. Our connections really like this. Our total social media exposure is around 55k which doesn’t hurt.
We are leaving a great big pile of s#it for our children and grandchildren and we really need to do a lot more than we are. We intend to use the show as a vehicle for action. The tour will start in colleges in the NYC area and we will involve the kids in the production as well as bring in enviro groups who will help them get organized and moving in the defense of their future.


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