Wednesday, June 29, 2016

"Cli-fi'' genre finding a literary home inside Communist China, despite the Chinese Communist Party's mind-controlled chagrin -- 这些男人当得成“父亲”吗?

Illustration by Deng Chenghong
"Cli-fi'' genre finding a literary home inside Communist China, despite the Chinese Communist Party's mind-controlled chagrin

An informal, uncensored OpEd on the future of cli-fi inside the Middle Kingdom

by staff writer and agencies

According to sources, the few climate-themed novels written by Chinese authors don't play with any Climapocalypse setting, since the Party will not allow any talk of the End of the World.

But for an increasing number of brave and courageous writers inside the Chinese behomoth, the cli-fi genre is catching on, and more and more cli-fi novels are appearing in China, sometimes published underground and in secret.

One of the few academic champions of cli-fi who is researching the genre in both the West and in China, Professor Wu Yan, a professor at Beijing Normal University and the most important Chinese expert in science fiction, publishing a cli-fi novel that described the future destruction of China or Beijing could never be allowed by the censors to be published. Everyone avoids the word 'doomsday' in communist China. But in 2013, Dr Wu published a blog about cli-fi in China. SEE BELOW and use GOOGLE TRANSLATE TO TRANSLATE HIS BLOG POST.

In fact, there is no word for ''DOOMSDAY'' in the Chinese vocabulary or mindset.

But all this is changing slowly and cli-fi is gaining traction as a younger generation rebels against a rigid government of mindcontrol and brainwashing. according to sources.

Professor Wu ["吴岩"] wrote this blog post in Chinese in China in 2013 after conferring with this blogger in Taiwan:

Yan Wu, Ph.D.,Professor,Director
Science Fiction and Creative Education
Faculty of Education
Beijing Normal University

 主题: 这些男人当得成“父亲”吗?字号



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我捞起一把墨黑的字 看起来像是小说


As in the United States and Europe, there are dozens, hundreds of Chinese cli-fi novels published online that barely get noticed. It’s likely there are cli-fi novels online where China gets destroyed in a future Climapocalypse, but "officially" such stuff does not exist.

Many Chinese cli-fi writers apparently can’t shake the feeling that climate disaster may be imminent in some near future or distant future time. But living inside Communist China, all they can say for now is that as denizens of the mythical Middle Kingdom, the so-called "will of Heaven" will decide if climate disaster strikes China as it could in the West. The censors at Party Central are watching.

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