Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Countdown to Kim Stanley Robinson's cli-fi debut novel set in 2140 and titled "New York 2140" !

Countdown to Kim Stanley Robinson's "New York 2140" !

Publication date: Spring Equinox 2017 -- March 21, 2017 !

9 more months to go for the most important ''cli-fi '' debut novel of the 21st Century which might not be surpassed in achievement in 100 years!

NOTE: How KSR labels his novel -- sci-fi or cli-fi or literary fiction or any other genre or post-genre genre -- is up to him and his publishers and marketing PR team. Authors choose the way they want to market their novels and for KSR it's the same. [For now, this blog is calling it a cli-fi novel.]

This is it! KSR has spoken, is speaking. The novel has already been writing and editied. Release date: March 21, 2017.

Here's an early cover real:

Here's a brief synopsis:

American climate-themed literature (indeed, world literature) will never be the same. This is the beginning of a new kind of global thinking about sci-fi. It's called Cli-Fi !

9 more months to wait.

Early reviews are imminent.

Stay tuned to and Goodreads for early reviews.

Get ready to BLAST OFF to the new sci-fi -- called cli-fi !

Your worldview will be upended. Your previous ideas about sci-fi will be over-turned. KSR is mining new ground. Get ready. In 9 months you will see it!

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