Friday, April 8, 2016

PRI radio on ''Telling the Story of Climate Change — Via Cli-fi"

                     FROM PRI radio and Science Friday


Telling the Story of Climate Change — Via ''Cli-Fi''  

Numbers and projections are one way to tell the story of climate change. But lately, dozens of writers around the world, and not just in English-speaking countries, have tried another tactic — imagining the climate change future via literature. Take SF author Paolo Bacigalupi, whose latest thriller The Water Knife imagines the economic, social, and environmental collapse of a near-future American Southwest.

And it’s not just SF writers who are getting in on the act: Writers like Ian McEwan, Barbara Kingsolver, and Nathaniel Rich have all experimented with cli-fi. Bacigalupi and University of Oregon English professor Stephanie LeMenager join guest host John Dankosky to talk about writing — and reading — ''cli-fi'' novels, and what role storytelling might play in helping us confront our climate change future.

[*** For more information on the background and backstory of the rise of the cli-fi genre, see The Cli Fi Report ] -

Studio Guests

Paolo Bacigalupi
Paolo Bacigalupi is the author of The Water Knife. He lives in Colorado.
Stephanie LeMenager
Stephanie LeMenager is Professor of English and Environmental Studies at the University of Oregon

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