Friday, April 8, 2016

"Let's talk about cli-fi!'' -- Brandon Echter on ''16 Pieces of Pop Culture About Global Warming''

  • Off-Air

  • ''16 Pieces of Pop Culture About Climate Change, From Atwood to Spielberg to the Pixies''

    Let’s talk about cli-fi!

    Have you ever heard of “cli-fi”?

    It’s a new trend emerging in pop culture
    essentially, it’s fiction that features climate change as an integral plot device. It seems that as climate change becomes part of our reality here on Earth, it’s helpful to look at fiction to see what we might expect.

    Today on the show, author Paolo Bacigalupi and University of Oregon professor Stephanie LeMenager will be giving us an inside look at this trend. But first, we asked our SciFri staff, as well as a few cli-fi experts — and you — for suggestions on the best cli-fi:

    Do you have a favorite piece of fiction (novel, movie, etc.) that features climate change? We're working on a list!



    Do you have a favorite piece of fiction (novel, movie, etc.) that features climate change? We're working on a list!

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