Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Maddie Stone at website does thumbs-up review of Claire Vaye Watkins' ''GOLD, FAME, CITRUS'' cli-fi novel

Maddie Stone at website does thumbs-up review of Claire Vaye Watkins' ''GOLD, FAME, CITRUS'' cli-fi novel, writing:

 '''GOLD FAME CITRUS' is a welcome addition to the emerging cli-fi genre; near future stories in which people and societies are coming to grips with the devastating consequences of climate change."

Maddie added:

''[The novel] is as captivating as it is distinct from cli-fi aficionado Paolo Bacigalupi's 'THE WATER KNIFE', another dystopian future set in [Droughtlandia] the drought-hardened West.

See FULL REVIEW of the novel which some have dubbed with the hashtag on Twitter as #CaliCliFi for Cali-Cli-Fi here below:

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