Friday, September 25, 2015

My review of ''Nobel Prize winner to be'' Margaret Atwood's new funny/devastating comic/serious novel, ''The Heart Goes Last''

UPDATE: Dr Atwood taking reader questions now for Monday live chat at Guardian site:


My review of ''Nobel Prize winner to be'' Margaret Atwood's nw funny/devastating comic/serious novel, ''The Heart Goes Last'' 

10,000 Stars


''The Heart Goes Last'' started life as a serialized story at, according to several publishing sources in NYC and the UK.

Dr Atwood wrote 5 short stories for Byliner, eventually expanding and connecting them into a full length novel. ''The Positron stories'' (as they were called when published by Byliner) were written as they unfolded, the way serialized novels were written in the 19th Century.

A Margaret Atwood UK book event blog post from the keyboard of UK PR maven and cli fi novelist Lisa Devaney  

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