Thursday, August 27, 2015

Queens University in Canada offering 3 'Cli-Fi' themed college classes this year

The department of English at Queen's University is offering an undergraduate course on Cli-Fi this year: ENGL 486 taught by Professor Molly Wallace.

Closely related to and possibly including examples of cli fi will also be her graduate seminar, ENGL 881 - ''Permacultural Studies, or How to Make Critique Sustainable.'' Likewise, a course taught be David Carruthers, ENGL 278 - ''Literature and Place: the Environmental Turn,'' will feature a section on cli-fi.

Links here: Undergraduate courses: Graduate courses:

ENGL 486-002/3.0 Group III: Special TopicsTopic: ''Cli-Fi'': Movies and Novels re climate fiction
Professor Molly Wallace is teaching this class Fall Term 2015 at QUEENS UNIVERSITY in CANADA


Her Research Interests:

20th Century and 21st Century U.S. literature (particularly fiction), risk society, literature and environment, science studies, theories of the animal and animality, cultural studies, and theories of globalization and the transnational.

Recent Publications:

  • “Discomfort Food: Analogy, Biotechnology, and Risk in Ruth Ozeki’s All Over Creation,” Arizona Quarterly (forthcoming).
  • “Will the Apocalypse Have Been Now? Literary Criticism in an Age of Global Risk,” Criticism, Crisis, and Contemporary Narrative: Textual Horizons in an Age of Global Risk, ed. Paul Crosthwaite (New York: Routledge, forthcoming).
  • “War Is for the Birds: Birding Babylon and the ‘Military-Industrial-Environmental Complex,’ ” Cultural Critique 76 (Fall 2010).
  • “Reading Octavia Butler’s Xenogenesis after Seattle.” Contemporary Literature 50.1 (2009).


Her current project puts contemporary U.S. fiction in conversation with UN reports, government documents, popular nonfiction, and film in order to trace the ways in which US culture has responded to the globalization of environmental risk (from atomic fall-out to the greenhouse effect).

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