Friday, August 28, 2015

James Bradley in Australia still says in his opinion "cli-fi is not a terribly useful term" (but the context in which he said this is still unknown). Anybody know the context? RSVP

 UPDATE: James Bradley in Australia still says in his opinion "cli-fi is not a terribly useful term" (but the context in which he said this is still unknown). Anybody know the context? RSVP
Stephanie @yiduiqie in Australia TWEETS and says she ''also'' doesn't like the 'cli-fi' term...... quoting James Bradley as saying at recent Melbourne Writers Festival on Cli-fi panel: "I don't think the term is a terribly useful one." Back in January in an SMH oped, James called it "that unlovely shorthand" for climate fiction. He apologized to me later by email, and we are friends now, but now he seems he is at it again at the Melburne Writers Festival, according to Stephanie. James? You dissed cli-fi again? At #MWF15? Why are you do terribly opposed to the cli fi term? It might not be useful to YOU, sure, but it is mighty useful to many, many other people. Why don't you acknowledge *THAT* as well?
Maybe next time you go public with ''cli-fi'' pronouncements!

On Friday Stephanie who apparently cannot abide the cli fi term from her perch in Australia said she was ''chuffed'' to attend the 2nd Asia Pacific Writer’s Forum held at the Wheeler Centre as part of the Melbourne Writer’s Festival.

She live-tweeted the event, and Peril Magazine recorded it for future analysis ''but I am cheekily getting in first with my feels," she wrote.

@yiduiqie TWEETED:

''Yay... @cityoftongues [aka James Bradley, author of 'CLADE'] also doesn't like the term "cli-fi" ...yay"

YAY? Stephanie says? YYAYAY?

Well, James did not say he doesn't like the term. He said "I don't think the term is terribly useful (to his understanding of the term and the world he lives in). Of course, he has every right to his opinion, and I consider James a friend. [We have emailed and tweeted back and forth a few times since January. With more to come. I admire and respect him. Great writer. ]



Why would James Bradley say ''Cli-Fi is not a terribly useful term'' (to him) if he was on Cli Fi Panel #MWF15? Who invited HIM? [smile] Kidding! JB has every right to his anti CF views, sure.

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