Saturday, May 15, 2010

Funny, how the entire media world followed the erroneous New York Times obit of Leslie Buck, without anyone in the media factchecking the story at all, so first the New York Times does the obit, very well-written and touchingly-told by Margalit Fox, on the front page no less, figure that one out!, and then it is followed by Vera Dobnik at the AP, and then picked up by TIME magazine's Alexandra Silver for the TIME mini-obit, and then everyone follows suit, not one media outlet factchecking, so the same faux obit news comes out from Gawker, Gothamist, Riverfronttimes, Consumerist, and 1500 blogs worldwide, some in Greece, some in Norway, most in New York and LA.....but did anyone bother to vet or fact check the story first?


1 comment:

  1. Good Morning, Rac Pack! I have recently been in correspondence with a gentleman named Danny Bloom who has presented a significant amount of information which suggests that the late Leslie Buck may, in fact, not be the creator of the legendary Anthora design. I attempted to secure the services of Maury Povich for a "You Are Not the Father" segment, however that effort was fruitless and may result in the issuance of a restraining order.

    So, in the interest of fairness, as you read and re-read this column - as I am sure you all do in eager anticipation of the next one - please make a mental not to insert the words "reputed and disputed" prior to any reference to Buck as the "creator" of the Anthora.

    Many thanks.
