Tuesday, February 18, 2020

A thread on the new Climate Crisis newsletter by @billmckibben , and a note of decency as he checks in with the fabulous @emorwee to make sure he's not stepping on her http://heated.world toes...

A thread on the new Climate Crisis newsletter by , and a note of decency as he checks in with the fabulous to make sure he's not stepping on her toes...

Right before Xmas The New Yorker magazine editor David Remnick called to ask if I'd do a weekly climate newsletter under the magazine's auspices. My 1st reaction was yes: it was where I'd begun writing about all this in my early 20s and now I was...older if not wiser

But my 2nd reaction was, what about this newsletter HEATED that had just launched, and that I was very much enjoying. Would it damage her effort? So I asked, and she graciously said she thought not: "there's plenty of space out there for more newsletters...Hell yeah!"

What I'm going to try and do in The Climate Crisis (titled with a nod to the storied newspaper that W.E.B. DuBois began 110 years ago for the NAACP) is provide some ongoing context to the climate story--I have, perhaps, some idea of how new developments fit into the big picture

  1. So each week a short essay, and some links to things that seem important. But I also want to highlight the powerfully diverse voices that are emerging with each passing week from all over the globe. So there will be a regular short interview: "Pass the Mic."
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    1. 13 hours ago
    1. If you read my twitter feed occasionally, you'll know it's largely devoted to saying thanks to people for the good work they're doing, and trying to surface that work so others can see. So I'll be attempting to do that in a slightly more formal way in this newsletter.
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