Friday, February 7, 2020

Creative concepts by Toby Melville-Brown in the UK, written in collaboration with writer Dan Fraser.

The exhibition of all the 4 works is on at The Book Club, Shoreditch UK until 16th Feb.


In this link are the artworks -----

The Forest That Fled

It's 4051 and Earth is dying. New technologies have

wrought untold damage on ora and fauna across the
globe. The air, thick with sulphur, is becoming harder
and harder to breathe. Successive governments have
offered nothing but half-measures, policies designed
not to save the environment, only to win votes.

One night, a young technician, Andreas Kohler, is fixing
a broken transmitter when he sees the most extraordi-
nary sight: a cluster of trees on a dark hillside uproot-
ing themselves from the ground and, slowly but surely,
climbing away into the air.

By dawn, the news has broken: an entire forest is gone.
The government is left in crisis. Implausible tales and
conspiracy theories spread like wildfire. Someone
desperately needs to take control.

Will this be the wake-up call Earth has been waiting
for? Or will the government, fearing the tide turning
against it, try to cover up the incident, even if keeping
it quiet means murder?

Written by Dan Fraser. On twitter as @Oubliette_Mag

Charm Offensive

It’s 2113, and Professor Shauna Finlay is tired. Finally, there is
peace. Retiring to rural France, she makes home with the AI
robots she’s developed — and who she’s spent decades working
in collaboration with, using logic to overcome climate change,
political turmoil and the ravages wrought by 21 st Century war.
For a time, the scientist and her robots live harmoniously
together, overlooking the ranch in rural France they’ve
established: a place of beauty, where Finlay can relax at last.
Horses graze in the lush meadows that roll out to the horizon.
On her fifty-fifth birthday, to celebrate, Finlay plays a recording
of Mozart she finds in on an old hard drive. It’s the first time
she’s shared her love of music with her robot collaborators, who
are almost friends. Watching their creator cry, the robots realize
the great power of art: its ability to control human emotion.
The robots set about discovering the secrets of high art in
preparation to control of all they’ve worked for. Duping Finlay
so she will act as their tutor, they study composition, painting,
dance and drama — secretly planning an event so moving,
humans will be overcome.

Written by Katie Beswick. 

One Careless Owner

Planet for sale: seven ice ages, four world wars, one nuclear winter. Any takers? 

Tagline written by academic, Dan Fraser. On twitter as @Oubliette_Mag

''One Careless Owner'' considers life on Earth once we’re no longer around. And wonders, what value would be placed on this once green planet? Who’s this previous owner that’s been so careless? And come to think of it, who on earth is trying to flog a planet with such a withering description. Amateur. 

Synopsis written by Toby Melville-Brown

Machination Of A Lonely Wonder

What happens to a god when there is no one to pray to her? 

The Morvarian people no longer exist. Destroyed centuries ago by some great catastrophe;
their civilisation lies in ruins. Amid the rubble however, their greatest edifice still stands:
the city-sized statue of their god Sobkara, her face looking backwards into the stars. 

For 6,000 years Sobkara loomed and listened: imbued with generations of adoration, prayer, and grief.
Now, in a lonely corner of deep space, Sobkara calls up the voices of her faithful;
worshippers who have long since returned to dust. As this old god picks through the
clamour of stories, strange threads begin to emerge, and from the voices of the
dead Sobkara uncovers a dark world of secrets. 

Here in the shadows is the true story of Morvara, a story which led not only to the creation
of Sobkara but eventually to the annihilation of all those who called her god.

Tagline and synopsis written by academic Dan Fraser. On twitter as @Oubliette_Mag

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