Saturday, January 11, 2020

Cli-Fi Novelists Writing Process Blog Tour 2020

Cli-Fi Novelists Writing Process Blog Tour 2020


Cli-Fi Novelists Writing Process Tour for 2020

Tell your cli-fi author friends and help this global blog tour grow!
If you are a cli-fi novelist, please participate in this writing process blog tour by answering the following four questions here.  Send the answers to me here at danbloom AT GMAIL dot COM

You may tweet the link to the blog post about your 4 aanswers once you send me your answers and greenlight my write-up using hashtag of  #mywritingprocess and the hashag #clifi to alert the cli-fi community worldwide to your post.

The four questions for 2020 are:
1. What am I working on now, or just finished?
2. How does my work fit into the cli-fi genre?
3. Why do I write what I do?
4. How does my writing process work? Explain your writing days and nights. How do you work? How do you outline or plan the story?
 Contact me here to add your answers. Cheers, Dan Bloom at The Cli-Fi Report at

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