Wednesday, January 30, 2019

James Holland Jones and the recent panel discussion in California about cli-fi and its uses in helping us to solve the climate dilemma

Author in
Q and A with
James Holland Jones
discussing climate fiction.

January 29, 2019
The warming planet is 
increasingly the subject 
of all kinds of fiction. 
So beyond entertainment 
or distraction could 
climate fiction (“Cli-Fi”) 
actually help us in 
solving the climate dilemma? 
Biological anthropologist and 
environmental scientist James Holland Jones 
explained the neuroscience of 
narrative: storytelling fits 
the human brain. 
Stories might be useful in bringing 
popular attention to climate and
 inspiring action on environmental issues.
James Holland Jones is an Associate Professor
 of Earth System Science and a
Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute
 for the Environment
at Stanford University.

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