Monday, January 7, 2019

A new newsletter about climate change issues, literaray and scientific and more, edited by Douglas Imbrogno

 A FEW WORDS ON ‘CLI-FI’: It’s academic

by Douglas Imbrogno at TWITTER @douglaseye

If in 2019 you’re still unaware of the term ‘cli-fi,’ this link will catch you up. ‘Cli-fi’ refers to the tsunami of ‘climate fiction’ created on the theme of climate catastrophe.

The genre is growing so fast it’s now a field of academic study with its own website. ‘The Cli-Fi Report’ is a research tool for academics and media professionals “to use in gathering information and reporting on the rise of the cli-fi term.”

Of course, dystopian works are a staple of old-school sci-fi. I recall the chill of Nevil Shute’s post-apocalyptic novel “On the Beach,” after it manifested as a 1959 soul-searing movie, at least to this kid. (I can rouse a shiver still from the scene where they discover the source of a mysterious Australian Morse code signal). It remains to be seen which cli-fi works will serve readers best.

(Link courtesy of The Cli-Fi Report!).

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