Thursday, November 29, 2018

Amazon's New "Cli-Fi" Collection of 7 Short Stories [print and audio] by 7 VIP Writers Expands the Rising and Timely Genre

Amazon's New "Cli-Fi" Collection of 7 Short Stories [print and audio] by 7 VIP Writers Expands the Rising and Timely Genre

link provided via ''The Cli-Fi Report News Service''  #clifi

Amazon's New "Cli-Fi" Collection of 7 Short Stories [print and audio] by 7 VIP Writers Expands the Rising and Timely Genre link provided via ''The Cli-Fi Report News Service''  #clifi

How Amazon’s New “Cli-Fi” Short

Story Collection Expands the Genre

Burning Worlds is Amy Brady’s monthly column dedicated to examining trends in “cli-fi” in partnership with Yale Climate Connections.

In October, media giant Amazon released a story collection from its own imprint, Amazon Original Stories, titled Warmer.  It features literary giants such as Edan Lepucki (California), Lauren Groff (Florida), Jess Walters (Beautiful Ruins), Jane Smiley (A Thousand Acres), and others, all writing about one of the world’s most pressing issues – climate change.

Set up as “cli-fi,” this collection of 7 short stories in print and audio editions spans a range of styles, which together bring to light just how varied the cli-fi genre has become. Some stories are set in the near future, others in the present. All of them brim with compassion, wit, and thoughtful musings on how climate change will alter our planet forever.

Edan Lepucki, who readers might remember as having won big in the Amazon-Hatchett dispute in 2014, spoke to Amy Brady about what drew her to this collection, her contribution “There’s No Place Like Home,” how she defines “cli-fi,” and why climate change has become one of the most important topics writers can tackle.
Amy Brady asked:
What drew you to this fascinating and timely project?

Edan Lepucki Replied:
After California came out, I was often asked if I would write more speculative fiction–especially a sequel to that book. I never intended to write a sequel–or to have readers expect one!–and, honestly, after living in that novel’s post-apocalyptic world for three years, I didn’t want to go back in. It was cathartic to write California, but it was also a very dark place to be, and I needed a break. But since 2014, when that novel came out, the world has gotten even scarier, not only our political landscape, but our environmental one as well, and fictional responses to this reality have started to churn in my head once more. When Yael Goldstein Love, who edited Warmer, approached me about writing a story for the anthology, I knew I had to participate. As I wrote, fires were raging throughout California, and now they’re raging again. Communities still haven’t recovered from all the recent hurricanes, and not long before the collection was published, the UN’s climate change report was released. It’s dire, and the things it predicts are also becoming a mundane part of life; for my children, climate change will be a daily burden that can, at any moment, turn into tragedy. I wanted to express that feeling and explore how young people might navigate the world we’re leaving them.
Amy Brady
The short story you wrote for this collection, “There’s No Place Like Home,” is also set in California. What about the state inspires you as a writer, and why is it such a rich setting for a work of cli-fi?
Edan Lepucki
I’m from LA and except for stints in the Midwest for college and graduate school I’ve always lived in California. Los Angeles in particular speaks to my soul (which seems like a rightly LA kooky thing to say)! It’s a beautiful and strange city, at once wild and primped, with so much mystery that is just perfect for fiction. We’ve also got an ungodly stupid amount of sprawl. That makes for these little secret pockets of communities and neighborhoods that are a total delight to discover… but also put a real strain on the landscape and the environment. We run this city on lots of borrowed water and I can’t think about it too much or I will have a panic attack! So, yes, it’s a magical place, a paradise with a dark side, a glitter of mystery, and also danger. It doesn’t feel like this  tightrope act can persist. It is getting warmer here, and the air feels apocalyptic on days like today, with fires everywhere. What else to write but climate fiction?
Amy Brady
Cli-fi often draws from the tropes of sci-fi. But this collection features more realism, what some might even call “literary” fiction. Given the new genre’s many writing styles, how would you define cli-fi?
Edan Lepucki
I don’t read much straight science fiction, so I’ll leave it to those who read it, and write it beautifully, to comment. I generally write realism because it’s what I’m most drawn to, as a reader. I think climate fiction isn’t exactly science fiction (or it isn’t anymore) because it’s the reality that we’re living today, and we can easily propel ourselves into a future where it’s the central problem of our existence. I’m not sure what my ‘official’ definition would be, though I’d venture to say it’s where the ravages to the environment affect the plot of the story, as well as its themes and characters. That, then, can be any genre!
Amy Brady
What do you hope audiences take away from your story?
Edan Lepucki
As with California, one thing I want people to remember is that our actions today will have consequences for future generations. I mean, of course, yes. But when we read about young people struggling in a desiccated future, it can hit closer; in “There’s No Place Like Home” Vic will never grow up. She literally cannot become a woman. That’s been stolen from her, because the world is dying.
Amy Brady
I loved your protagonist Vic. Where did she come from?
Edan Lepucki
Thank you! I enjoyed writing her and having her voice for a while. The story’s first line, “Daddy died in the sauna,” popped in my head when I was in a sauna in Iceland. I liked how it sounded, and I also wondered: who calls their dad, “Daddy?”  And why did he die in the sauna?  I can’t really tell you how else she appeared, but I can tell you that I wanted her to be tender but tough, smart but naïve, and to have longing in her, even now.

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