Saturday, October 13, 2018

''The Sci-fi of yesterday is the Cli-fi of today''- a news article by Olga Poonjee in Holland

''The Sci-fi of yesterday is the Cli-fi of today''

 a news article in Dutch by Olga Poonjee in Holland and translated to English by AI
[with an interview with Dan Bloom if you scroll down]

(c) 2018 Olga Ponjee, All Rights Reserved


The future of the world is not as far as you think. The future of the world is not as far as you think. Sometimes a future looks a bit less rosy. Sometimes a future looks a little less rosy. In the subgenre Cli-fi you can see that too. You can also see that in the subgenre Cli-fi.

Guest writer Olga Ponjee wrote a cli-fi YA novel ''Het Verdronken land'' (''The Drowned Land'') in which the Netherlands is flooded. In November 2018 she organizes a Cli-fi event and also a Media contest. In November she organizes a Clifi event and also a Media competition. The YA Club puts this Media contest in the spotlight here. The YA Club puts this Media competition in the spotlight here . Today Olga Ponjee explains the special subgenre Clifi for us. Today Olga Ponjee explains the special subgenre Clifi for us.
All the big changes in the world can be found in stories. All major changes in the world can be found in stories. The technological progress of the 19th century brought forth writers such as Jules Verne and Mary Shelley , who fantasized about submarines and organ transplants. The technological progress of the 19 th century produced writers such as Jules Verne and Mary Shelley , who fantasized about submarines and organ transplants. The rise of nuclear weapons created a whole series of books and films against the background of a nuclear war - and the consequences of such a war for the survival of mankind. The rise of nuclear weapons caused a whole series of books and films against the background of an atomic war - and the consequences of such a war for the survival of man. And in the last ten years clifi has been on the rise, a literary genre in which climate change is central. And in the last decade, clifi is on the rise, a literary genre in which climate change is central. Cities that are in danger of disappearing into the water or that have degenerated into unviable deserts; clifi (shortly before climate fiction) tells the story of our planet in the (not so distant) future. clifi (short for climate fiction) tells the story of our planet in the (not so distant) future.

Yesterday's science fiction is today's clifi', The science fiction of yesterday is the clif of today',
 on the rise of the clifi genre about the rise of the clifi genre

Clifi is not a new genre. Clifi is not a new genre. In the Bible, Noah already floats around in a boat full of animals after a flood disaster that people have called upon themselves. In the Bible Noah is already bobbing around in a boat full of animals after a flood that people have called upon themselves. Jules Verne, with his dreams of space travel and deep sea adventures, published the book Een schot in de lucht (A shot in the air) in 1889. Jules Verne, with his dreams about space travel and deep sea adventures, published the book A Shot in the Sky in 1889. In this story, human interference threatens to tilt the earth's axis, causing all seasons to disappear. This story threatens - due to human interference - to tilt the axis of the earth, so that all seasons disappear. That was three years after his book Paris in the twentieth century on Europe in 1960, in which the temperature has fallen well below freezing point. That was three years after his book Paris in the twentieth century about the Europe of 1960, in which the temperature dropped far below freezing. But also in the 1930s and 1960s, man-made apocalypse was a popular romantic theme: JG Ballard wrote three books on heat waves and floods and Harry Harrison also sketched a rather bleak future in Make Room! But the man-made apocalypse was also a popular romantic theme in the 1930s and 1960s : JG Ballard wrote three books on heat waves and flooding and Harry Harrison also sketched a hopeless future in Make Room! Make Room! Make Room! 1966: the world of 1999 is polluted, overpopulated and permanently warmed up in his story (the book became better known for its film adaptation: Soylent Green in 1973, starring a sweaty Charlton Heston). 1966: the world of 1999 is polluted in his story, overpopulated and permanently warmed up (the book became better known for his filming: Soylent Green in 1973, with a sweaty Charlton Heston in the leading role).

In the last ten years the genre has taken off and that is no coincidence. In the last ten years the genre has taken flight and that is no coincidence. Climate change is playing an increasingly important role in our daily lives - just as technological progress did in the 19th century, the threat of war of the 1930s or the nuclear arms race of the 1950s or 1960s. 'The consequences of climate change cannot be contained,' says James Bradley, the Australian author of the cli-fi

De toekomst van de wereld is niet zo ver als je denkt. The future of the world is not as far as you think. Soms ziet een toekomst er wel wat minder rooskleurig uit. Sometimes a future looks a little less rosy. In het subgenre Clifi zie je dat ook terug. You can also see that in the subgenre Clifi. Gastschrijver Olga Ponjee schreef het YA-boek Het Verdronken land waarin Nederland overstroomd raakt. Guest writer Olga Ponjee wrote the YA book Het Verdronken land in which the Netherlands is flooded. In november organiseert ze een Clifi event en tevens een Mediawedstrijd. In November she organizes a Clifi event and also a Media competition. De Club van YA zet deze Mediawedstrijd in het zonnetje hier . The YA Club puts this Media competition in the spotlight here . Vandaag licht Olga Ponjee het bijzondere subgenre Clifi voor ons toe. Today Olga Ponjee explains the special subgenre Clifi for us.
Alle grote veranderingen in de wereld zijn terug te vinden in verhalen. All major changes in the world can be found in stories. De technologische vooruitgang van de 19 e eeuw bracht schrijvers voort zoals Jules Verne en Mary Shelley , die fantaseerden over duikboten en orgaantransplantaties. The technological progress of the 19 th century produced writers such as Jules Verne and Mary Shelley , who fantasized about submarines and organ transplants. De opkomst van nucleaire wapens zorgde voor een hele reeks boeken en films tegen de achtergrond van een atoomoorlog – en de gevolgen van een dergelijke oorlog voor het voortbestaan van de mens. The rise of nuclear weapons caused a whole series of books and films against the background of an atomic war - and the consequences of such a war for the survival of man. En de laatste tien jaar is clifi in opkomst, een literair genre waarin de klimaatverandering centraal staat. And in the last decade, clifi is on the rise, a literary genre in which climate change is central. Steden die in het water dreigen te verdwijnen of die zijn verworden tot onleefbare woestijnen; Cities that are in danger of disappearing into the water or that have degenerated into unviable deserts; clifi (kort voor climate fiction) vertelt het verhaal van onze planeet in de (niet zo verre) toekomst. clifi (short for climate fiction) tells the story of our planet in the (not so distant) future.
De sciencefiction van gisteren is de clifi van vandaag', The science fiction of yesterday is the clif of today ',
over de opkomst van het clifi-genre about the rise of the clifi genre
Clifi is geen nieuw genre. Clifi is not a new genre. In de Bijbel dobbert Noah al rond in een bootje vol dieren na een watersnoodramp die mensen over zichzelf hebben afgeroepen. In the Bible Noah is already bobbing around in a boat full of animals after a flood that people have called upon themselves. Jules Verne, met zijn dromen over ruimtereizen en diepzeeavonturen, publiceerde in 1889 het boek Een schot in de lucht . Jules Verne, with his dreams about space travel and deep sea adventures, published in 1889 the book A Shot in the Sky . In dit verhaal dreigt – door menselijke inmenging – de as van de aarde te kantelen, waardoor alle seizoenen verdwijnen. This story threatens - due to human interference - to tilt the axis of the earth, so that all seasons disappear. Dat was drie jaar na zijn boek Parijs in de twintigste eeuw over het Europa van 1960, waarin de temperatuur tot ver onder het vriespunt is gedaald. That was three years after his book Paris in the twentieth century about the Europe of 1960, in which the temperature dropped far below freezing. Maar ook in de jaren 30 en de jaren 60 was de man-made apocalyps een geliefd romanthema: JG Ballard schreef drie boeken over hittegolven en overstromingen en ook Harry Harrison schetste een weinig hoopgevende toekomst in Make Room! But the man-made apocalypse was also a popular romantic theme in the 1930s and 1960s : JG Ballard wrote three books on heat waves and flooding and Harry Harrison also sketched a hopeless future in Make Room! Make Room! Make Room! uit 1966: de wereld van 1999 is in zijn verhaal vervuild, overbevolkt en permanent opgewarmd (het boek werd beter bekend door zijn verfilming: Soylent Green in 1973, met een zwetende Charlton Heston in de hoofdrol). from 1966: the world of 1999 is polluted in his story, overpopulated and permanently warmed up (the book became better known for his filming: Soylent Green in 1973, with a sweaty Charlton Heston in the leading role).

In de laatste tien jaar heeft het genre een vlucht genomen en dat is niet toevallig. In the last ten years the genre has taken flight and that is no coincidence. Klimaatverandering speelt een steeds grotere rol in ons dagelijks leven – net zoals technologische vooruitgang dat in de 19 e eeuw dat deed, de oorlogsdreiging van de jaren 30 of de nucleaire wapenwedloop van de jaren 50 of 60. 'De gevolgen van de klimaatverandering zijn niet te bevatten,' aldus James Bradley , de Australische auteur van het clifi familiedrama Clade in een recent interview. Climate change is playing an increasingly important role in our daily lives - just as technological progress did in the 19 th century, the war threat of the 1930s or the nuclear arms race of the 1950s or 1960s. "The consequences of climate change are not to be contain, "said James Bradley , the Australian author of the Clifi family drama Clade in a recent interview. 'Het heeft effect op alles en iedereen. 'It has an effect on everything and everyone. Het is daarom makkelijk om in ontkenning te schieten – of in blinde paniek en wanhoop. It is therefore easy to shoot in denial - or in blind panic and despair. En aan allebei die reacties hebben we niets.' And we have nothing on both of those reactions. " Verhalen daarentegen kunnen ons helpen om voorbij die wanhoop te kijken, om grip te krijgen op wat er gaande is en wat dat betekent voor ons leven in de toekomst. Stories on the other hand can help us to look past that desperation, to get a grip on what is going on and what that means for our life in the future. 'Die grip, dat geeft mensen hoop en vertrouwen. 'That grip, that gives people hope and trust. Het sterkt ons om daadwerkelijk in actie te komen, als is het maar op kleine schaal, om iets te doen voor onze planeet en het klimaat.' It strengthens us to actually take action, if only on a small scale, to do something for our planet and the climate. '

Daarnaast is clifi niet alleen maar zwartgalligheid en doemscenario's. In addition, clifi is not just blackness and doom scenarios. Hoewel clifi-romans vaak spelen tegen de achtergrond van een grote milieuramp met alle gevolgen van dien, delen ze ook een ander belangrijk thema: hoop. Although clifi novels often play against the background of a major environmental disaster with all its consequences, they also share another important theme: hope. En de boodschap dat het nooit te laat is om ons gedrag te veranderen. And the message that it is never too late to change our behavior. 'Clifi is meer dan duisternis en depressie,' zegt Dan Bloom , de journalist die oorspronkelijk de term clifi bedacht. 'Clifi is more than darkness and depression,' says Dan Bloom , the journalist who originally came up with the term clifi. 'Clifi schetst juist ook een hoopvol, positief beeld van ons vermogen om om te gaan met deze enorme dreiging. 'Clifi also paints a hopeful, positive picture of our ability to deal with this enormous threat. Wat dat betreft ben ik een optimist. In that respect, I am an optimist. Maar er staat ons veel werk te doen en de komende jaren gaan geen pretty picture zijn.' But there is a lot of work to be done and the coming years will not be a pretty picture . '

Bradley: 'Je kunt zeggen dat de wereld zoals wij die kennen aan het eindigen is. Bradley: "You can say that the world as we know it is ending. Maar dat is een hopeloos simplistische weergave van wat er werkelijk gaande is. But that is a hopelessly simplistic representation of what is really going on. Wat er ook gaat gebeuren, er zullen altijd mensen zijn die het overleven, die hun leven moeten oppakken, op wat voor manier dan ook.' Whatever happens, there will always be people who survive, who have to take their lives, in whatever way. " Clifi dwingt ons om na te denken hoe dat leven er in de toekomst uit gaat zien, om daadwerkelijk stil te staan bij de gevolgen van ons menselijke handelen. Clifi forces us to think about what life will look like in the future, to actually reflect on the consequences of our human actions. 'De wereld zal niet ophouden te bestaan, maar de manier waarop we bestaan gaat zeker wel veranderen.' "The world will not cease to exist, but the way we exist will certainly change." Hoe we omgaan met die verandering, hoe we het verlies verwerken en tegelijkertijd stappen kunnen zetten naar een toekomst, dat zijn allemaal gesprekken die we moeten voeren. How we deal with that change, how we process the loss and at the same time take steps towards a future, these are all the conversations we have to make. En verhalen die erom vragen om geschreven te worden. And stories that ask for it to be written.
Clifi dwingt ons om na te denken hoe dat leven er in de toekomst uit gaat zien, om daadwerkelijk stil te staan bij de gevolgen van ons menselijke handelen. Clifi forces us to think about what life will look like in the future, to actually reflect on the consequences of our human actions.
Of om in de woorden van Dan Bloom te blijven: 'Wanneer het aankomt op de klimaatcrisis hebben we nieuwe verhalen nodig, omdat het verleden geen betrouwbare gids is; Or to stay in the words of Dan Bloom: 'When it comes to the climate crisis, we need new stories, because the past is not a reliable guide; het is immers de eerste keer dat de mensheid deze enorme fout maakt.' after all, it is the first time that humanity makes this huge mistake. '

Wat is clifi? What is clifi?

Clifi is een afkorting voor climate fiction, een stroming die opereert op het raakvlak van kunst, wetenschap en politiek. Clifi is an abbreviation for climate fiction, a movement that operates on the interface between art, science and politics. Het is een brede parapluterm voor boeken en verhalen waarin klimaatverandering een grote rol speelt: in het verleden, in het heden of in de toekomst. It is a broad umbrella term for books and stories in which climate change plays a major role: in the past, in the present or in the future. Die verhalen kunnen uiteenlopen van realistische scenario's tot rampen die meer raken aan het fantastische, al is die laatste categorie een stuk zeldzamer. These stories can range from realistic scenarios to disasters that touch the fantastic, although the latter category is a lot rarer. Vanwege zijn specifieke focus en een vaak stevige voet in de realiteit wordt clifi meer als een zustergenre van science fiction gezien dan als een subcategorie. Because of his specific focus and an often firm footing in reality, clifi is seen more as a sister genre of science fiction than as a subcategory.
Voor Hebban sprak ik met Dan Bloom , de inmiddels 70-jarige bedenker van de term clifi. For Hebban I spoke with Dan Bloom , the now 70-year-old inventor of the term clifi. Hij hoopt dat het genre kan dienen als een 'wake up call' voor de gewone mens, iets waar de wetenschap nu nog vaak in tekort schiet. He hopes that the genre can serve as a 'wake up call' for ordinary people, something that science often lacks. Bloom: 'Elke dag, overal, in kranten en online, zijn er wetenschappers en academici die over dezelfde saaie cijfers praten, dezelfde droge termen. Bloom: 'Every day, everywhere, in newspapers and online, there are scientists and academics who talk about the same boring figures, the same dry terms. Ze hebben het nooit over emoties, levens, poëzie. They never talk about emotions, lives, poetry. Het is allemaal ingewikkelde PhD-praat die de gewone mens niet verstaat. It is all complicated PhD talk that the ordinary person does not understand. Romans en films kunnen die kloof overbruggen. Novels and films can bridge that gap. Verhalen komen uit het hart, niet uit het hoofd. Stories come from the heart, not from the head. In verhalen komen personages tot leven waar lezers om geven, waar ze zich mee kunnen identificeren. In stories, characters come to life what readers care about, where they can identify with. Verhalen gaan over empathie, politiek en wetenschap niet. Stories are not about empathy, politics and science. Sarah Stone zei het mooi, in een recensie over Edan Lupucki ’s clifi roman California . Sarah Stone said it nicely, in a review about Edan Lupucki 's clifi novel California . Ze schreef dat als we deze ramp overleven, dat komt 'door boeken als deze, die verder gaan dan abstracte voorspellingen en statistieken. She wrote that if we survive this disaster, it will come from books like these that go beyond abstract predictions and statistics. Dit soort verhalen laten een pijnlijke, mogelijke toekomst zien, de prijs die we moeten betalen voor onze hartstochtelijke toewijding aan alle verkeerde dingen.' These kinds of stories show a painful, possible future, the price we have to pay for our passionate dedication to all the wrong things. '

n the last ten years the genre has taken off and that is no coincidence. In the last ten years the genre has taken flight and that is no coincidence. Climate change is playing an increasingly important role in our daily lives - just as technological progress did in the 19th century, the threat of war of the 1930s or the nuclear arms race of the 1950s or 1960s. 'The consequences of climate change cannot be contained,' says James Bradley, the Australian author of the clifi family drama Clade in a recent interview. Climate change is playing an increasingly important role in our daily lives - just as technological progress did in the 19 th century, the war threat of the 1930s or the nuclear arms race of the 1950s or 1960s. "The consequences of climate change are not to be contain," said James Bradley, the Australian author of the Clifi family drama Clade in a recent interview. It affects everything and everyone. It has an effect on everything and everyone. It's therefore easy to shoot in denial - or in blind panic and despair. It is therefore easy to shoot in denial - or in blind panic and despair. And neither of these reactions is of any use to us. And we have nothing on both of those reactions. "Stories on the other hand can help us to look beyond this despair, to get a grip on what is going on and what that means for our lives in the future. Stories on the other hand can help us to look past that desperation, to get a grip on what is going on and what that means for our life in the future. That grip, that gives people hope and confidence. That grip, that gives people hope and trust. It strengthens us to actually take action, as if it were only on a small scale, to do something for our planet and the climate. It strengthens us to actually take action, if only on a small scale, to do something for our planet and the climate. '

In addition, clifi is not just black-alligheid and doom scenarios. In addition, clifi is not just blackness and doom scenarios. Although clifi-romans often play against the background of a major environmental disaster with all its consequences, they also share another important theme: hope. Although clifi novels often play against the background of a major environmental disaster with all its consequences, they also share another important theme: hope. And the message that it is never too late to change our behaviour. And the message that it is never too late to change our behavior. Clifi is more than darkness and depression,' says Dan Bloom, the journalist who originally coined the term clifi. Clifi is more than darkness and depression,' says Dan Bloom, the journalist who originally came up with the term clifi. Clifi also paints a hopeful, positive picture of our ability to deal with this enormous threat. Clifi also paints a hopeful, positive picture of our ability to deal with this enormous threat. In that respect, I am an optimist. In that respect, I am an optimist. But we have a lot of work to do and the coming years will not be a pretty picture'. But there is a lot of work to be done and the coming years will not be a pretty picture. '

Bradley: 'You could say that the world as we know it is ending. Bradley: "You can say that the world as we know it is ending. But that is a hopelessly simplistic representation of what is really going on. But that is a hopelessly simplistic representation of what is really going on. Whatever happens, there will always be people who survive, who have to pick up their lives, in whatever way. Whatever happens, there will always be people who survive, who have to take their lives, in whatever way. "Clifi forces us to think about what that life will look like in the future, to really think about the consequences of our human actions. Clifi forces us to think about what life will look like in the future, to actually reflect on the consequences of our human actions. The world will not cease to exist, but the way we exist will certainly change. "The world will not cease to exist, but the way we exist will certainly change. How we deal with that change, how we process the loss and at the same time take steps towards a future, these are all conversations we need to have. How we deal with that change, how we process the loss and at the same time take steps towards a future, these are all the conversations we have to make. And stories that ask to be written. And stories that ask for it to be written.

Cli-fi forces us to think about what that life will look like in the future, to actually think about the consequences of our human actions. Clifi forces us to think about what life will look like in the future, to actually reflect on the consequences of our human actions.

Or to stay in Dan Bloom's words: 'When it comes to the climate crisis, we need new stories, because the past is not a reliable guide; after all, it is the first time that humanity has made this huge mistake'. After all, it is the first time that humanity makes this huge mistake. '

What is cli-fi?

Cli-fi is an abbreviation for climate fiction, a movement that operates at the interface of art, science and politics. Clifi is an abbreviation for climate fiction, a movement that operates on the interface between art, science and politics. It is a broad umbrella term for books and stories in which climate change plays a major role: in the past, in the present or in the future. It is a broad umbrella term for books and stories in which climate change plays a major role: in the past, in the present or in the future. These stories can range from realistic scenarios to disasters that touch more on the fantastic, although the latter category is a lot rarer. These stories can range from realistic scenarios to disasters that touch the fantastic, although the latter category is a lot rarer. Because of its specific focus and its often solid footing in reality, clifi is seen more as a sister genre of science fiction than as a subcategory. Because of his specific focus and an often firm footing in reality, clifi is seen more as a sister genre of science fiction than as a subcategory.
For Hebban I spoke with Dan Bloom, the now 70-year-old inventor of the term clifi. For Hebban I spoke with Dan Bloom , the now 70-year-old inventor of the term clifi. He hopes that the genre can serve as a 'wake up call' for ordinary people, something that science still often falls short of. He hopes that the genre can serve as a 'wake up call' for ordinary people, something that science often lacks. Bloom: 'Every day, everywhere, in newspapers and online, there are scientists and academics talking about the same boring numbers, the same dry terms. Bloom: 'Every day, everywhere, in newspapers and online, there are scientists and academics who talk about the same boring figures, the same dry terms. They never talk about emotions, lives, poetry. They never talk about emotions, lives, poetry. It's all complicated PhD talk that ordinary people don't understand. It is all complicated PhD talk that the ordinary person does not understand. Novels and films can bridge that gap. Novels and films can bridge that gap. Stories come from the heart, not from the head. Stories come from the heart, not from the head. Stories bring characters to life that readers care about, that they can identify with. In stories, characters come to life what readers care about, where they can identify with. Stories are not about empathy, politics and science. Stories are not about empathy, politics and science. Sarah Stone said it nicely, in a review about Edan Lupucki 's clifi novel California . Sarah Stone said it nicely, in a review about Edan Lupucki 's clifi novel California . She wrote that if we survive this disaster, that's because of books like this, which go beyond abstract predictions and statistics. She wrote that if we survive this disaster, it will come from books like these that go beyond abstract predictions and statistics. These kinds of stories show a painful, possible future, the price we have to pay for our passionate dedication to all the wrong things'. These kinds of stories show a painful, possible future, the price we have to pay for our passionate dedication to all the wrong things. '

Interview with Dan Bloom at

Questions by Olga Ponjee in Holland

Dan Bloom is a journalist and environmental activist. Dan Bloom is a journalist and environmental activist. He travelled all over the world as a reporter for various newspapers and currently lives in Taiwan. He travels all over the world as a reporter for various newspapers and currently lives in Taiwan. Bloom is seen as the spiritual father of the term clifi, a term he coined to draw more attention to the genre. Bloom is seen as the spiritual father of the term clifi, a term he devised to draw more attention to the genre. In addition, he is a friendly, passionate advocate of a better world who was more than willing to answer some questions about the clifi genre. In addition, he is a friendly, passionate champion of a better world who was more than willing to answer a number of questions about the Clifi genre.
The term cli-fi has not been around for long, but books on environmental disasters have of course been written for decades. The term cli-fi does not exist for long, but books about environmental disasters have of course been written for decades. Do you feel that the subjects of these books have changed over the years? Do you feel that the topics of these books have changed over the years?
Yes, yes. Hell yes. Times have changed and cli-fi novels have also changed. Times have changed and cli-fi novels have also changed. In the 1960s, the British JG Ballard wrote three books about heat waves and floods due to a warming planet. In the 1960s, Briton JG Ballard wrote three books on heat waves and floods as a result of a warming planet. Then came Heat , by Arthur Herzog in 1977, followed by The Sea and the Summer by George Turner in 1987. 30 years ago, you should check! Thereafter came Heat , from Arthur Herzog in 1977, followed by The Sea and the Summer by George Turner in 1987. 30 years ago, you have to check it out! The science fiction of yesteryear has become the cli-fi of today. The science fiction of that time has become the cli fi of now. The genre has also grown enormously and has grown up. The genre has also grown enormously, grown up. And it is spreading all over the world. And it spreads around the world. Over the next fifty years, I'll provide stories from all kinds of cultures and languages: from Dutch to Danish to German to Swedish to Italian to Chinese and Japanese. Over the next fifty years I foresee stories from all kinds of cultures and in all kinds of languages: from Dutch to Danish to German to Swedish to Italian to Chinese and Japanese. The future calls us all. The future is calling us all.
In science fiction you sometimes hear the criticism that a certain invention does not work at all - or that the underlying science is not right. In science fiction, you sometimes hear the criticism that a certain invention does not work at all - or that the underlying science is not right. How do you see that in the cli-fi genre? How do you see that in the cli-fi genre?
Of course you have films such as The Day after Tomorrow from 2004, Geostorm from 2017 and 2012 from 2012, which were cute disaster films without a scientific basis. Of course you have films like The Day after Tomorrow from 2004, Geostorm from 2017 and 2012 from 2012, which were comical disaster films without a scientific basis. But I do believe that such stories can help to raise awareness of the scale and impact of climate disasters. But I do believe that these kinds of stories can help to make people more aware of the scale and impact of climate disasters. Of course, writers cannot ignore science blindly, but I think it is more important that readers and viewers are touched, can identify with the emotions that are evoked. Of course, writers can not ignore science indiscriminately, but I think it is more important that readers and viewers are touched, can identify with the emotions that are evoked. After all, creativity requires a certain amount of freedom. After all, creativity requires a certain amount of freedom.
How is it possible that - even after all these years - we still don't take the steps necessary to save the planet? How is it possible that - even after all these years - we still do not take the steps needed to save the planet? And do you think cli-fi can make a difference in this? And do you think that cli-fi can make a difference in that?
We still lack real leadership - the leadership that is needed to deal with this crisis. We still lack real leadership - the leadership needed to cope with this crisis. Not only in America, but almost everywhere in the world. Not only in America, but actually almost everywhere in the world. As a result, capitalism and the wrong kind of politicians still dominate the debate. As a result, capitalism and the wrong kind of politicians still dominate the debate.

My hope and my dream is that cli-fi can indeed provide a response by making the wider public more aware of what is going on, by teaching them the emotional understanding that is lacking from above. My hope and my dream is that cli-fi can indeed respond to this, by making the general public more aware of what is going on, by imparting the emotional understanding that does not arise from above. Does that lead to action? Does that lead to action? I hope so, yes. I hope so, yes.
Films and books are more than just hap-snap popcorn entertainment. Films and books are more than just bite-snap popcorn entertainment. They can wake people up. They can wake people up. This may be for your time, but in 1957 Nevil Shute's book On the Beach was published. This may be for your time, but in 1957 the book On the Beach by Nevil Shute ( The Last Bank in Dutch) was published. It describes the last months of human life on earth as a result of an atomic war and at the time it was a wake up call for everything related to nuclear weapons. It describes the last months of human life on earth as a result of an atomic war and at the time it was a wake up call for everything that had to do with nuclear weapons. My hope is that someone, somewhere in the world, will write the cli-fi's On the Beach. My hope is that someone, somewhere in the world, writes the On the Beach of the cli-fi. Maybe in 2020. Or in 2030. That's my hope. Maybe in 2020. Or in 2030. That is my hope.
What do you consider to be the genre's must-reads, both for adults and young people? What do you consider to be the must-reads of the genre, both for adults and for young people?
In the young adult genre there are a number of books I can definitely recommend, such as Not a drop to drink from Mindy McGinnis. In the young adult genre there are a number of books that I can definitely recommend, such as Not a drop to drink from Mindy McGinnis. And from Neal Shusterman comes out in October Dry, which I am also very much looking forward to. And from Neal Shusterman comes out in October Dry, which I also very much look forward to. For adults I can recommend Acqua™ by the French writer Jean-Marc Ligny, The Water Knife by the Italian-American writer Paolo Bacigalupi and Rapture by Liz Jensen from Denmark. For adults, I can recommend Acqua™ by the French writer Jean-Marc Ligny, The Water Knife by the Italian-American writer Paolo Bacigalupi and Rapture by Liz Jensen from Denmark. And Gold Fame Citrus ( Gold, fame, citrus ) by Claire Vaye Watkins , Polar City Blues by Katherine Kerr and Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver. And Gold Fame Citrus ( Gold, fame, citrus ) from Claire Vaye Watkins , Polar City Blues by Katherine Kerr and Flight Behavior ( Flying Behavior ) by Barbara Kingsolver.
Are there any topics you would like to read about? Are there topics you would still like to read about? Themes that are currently still underexposed in the genre? Themes that are still underexposed in the genre at the moment?
The cli-fi movement is growing and spreading; The cli-fi movement is growing and spreading; an army of writers and artists fighting for the future of the planet and humanity. an army of writers and artists who fight for the future of the planet and humanity. And I think that more and more voices will join this movement. And I think that more and more voices will join that movement. My hope is that women from Africa and India, for example, will make their voices heard - what influence climate change has on their country and their personal lives. My hope is that, for example, women from Africa and India will make their voices heard - how climate change affects their country and their personal lives. And I am sure we will hear more from Asia in the future. And I am sure that we will also hear more from Asia in the future. These are the stories of the most affected families - the people who live in fear and poverty, who are still often missing. It is the stories of the most affected families - the people who live in fear and poverty, who are often still missing.

And what are your plans for the future? And what are your plans for the future?
I? I? I am not a writer myself. I am not a writer myself. Or a scriptwriter. Or a scriptwriter. I see myself more as the cheerleader of the genre. I see myself more as the cheerleader of the genre. I want to continue to encourage your writers in everything you do, so go writers go! I want to continue to encourage your writers in everything you do, so go writers go!


 Cli-Fi in the Netherlands
Also in the Netherlands there are several books in the clifi genre, both for adults and for young people. In the Netherlands, there are also various books in the clifi genre, both for adults and for young people.

 The best known is probably Thea Beckman's trilogy ''Children of Mother Earth'' (1985), in which the earth is tilted by an atomic war. Climate change has made a large part of the world unlivable. Due to climate change, a large part of the world has become unlivable. However, in Thule - a kingdom on the spot where Greenland once lay - man lives on under the rule of women; since the nuclear war was caused by men, it was decided that they should never come to power again. In Thule - a kingdom on the spot where Greenland once lay - man lives on under the rule of women; since the nuclear war was caused by men, it was decided that they should never come to power again.

Also Nobody stops me (1991)

Also Nobody likes me (1991) by Evert Hartman is a YA novel on the border of science fiction and clifi: in the Netherlands of 2136 half of the Netherlands is under water and a large part of the population lives underground. by Evert Hartman is a young adult novel on the edge of science fiction and clifi: in the Netherlands of 2136 half of the Netherlands is under water and a large part of the population lives underground. However, the book also shows the social consequences of a climate crisis and echoes a number of terms that, almost two decades later, sound terribly recognizable, such as 'full is full' when it comes to immigration. The book, however, also shows the social consequences of a climate crisis and echoes a number of terms that, almost two decades later, sound disgustingly recognizable, as it is 'full' when it comes to immigration.
For adults there is The opposite of a man by Lieke Marsman, about a young scientist who thinks a lot about herself, her place in the world, love and the role of man in climate change. For adults there is the opposite of a man from Lieke Marsman, about a young scientist who thinks about herself, her place in the world, the love and the role of people in climate change. Jan Terlouw wrote the novella Kop uit 't zand , about two friends and their children, who take control after a series of environmental disasters. Jan Terlouw wrote the novella Kop from the sand, about two friends and their children, who take matters into their own hands after a series of environmental disasters. The climate crisis also plays a role in Ruben van Dijk's books and finally Maartje Smits even wrote a clifi poetry collection: How I started a forest in my bathroom. The climate crisis also plays a role in Ruben van Dijk 's books, and finally Maartje Smits even wrote a clifi poetry book: How I started a forest in my bathroom.
Do you prefer to read short stories? Do you prefer to read short stories? For De Correspondent, Jelmer Mommers encouraged four young writers to write a short story about climate change. Jelmer Mommers urged four young writers for De Correspondent to write a short story about climate change.

The series can still be read here: The series can still be read here:

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