Friday, August 17, 2018

Freelance reporter of the literary kind and climate change kind to report major SCOOP for national magazine with nice payday! RSVP ASAP SCOOP!

RE: ''publishers-and-literary-agents-applaud-the-rise-of-cli-fi-genre-novels-as-the-earth-heats-up-in-over next 40 years'' 

THREAD 3-3: freelance climate change/literary reporter wanted for literary/climate article for major publication. Let's chat email. This could be big story for YOU to write. If interested. Scoop. Reporting can be done all by email and phone . No travel needed. Interview important 6-8 people in publishing world. 1/3 

2/3 Interview 6 people in publishing world. One publisher.. one acquiring editor... one PR person for major publisher..., one bookstore sales manager literary agent, literary critic. One novelist,.... one professor of English....Placement of 1500 word story up to you. 1000 words okay. 800 words okay. 2500 words okay too. Your byline. Your credit. Your payday. I am just interested observer and news tipper.

3/3 circa more or less 1000-1500 word story It's a literary article about how NYC publishers are taking to cli-fi and using the term in their PR. Never reported anywhere yet. If you do it, it's a scoop for you. RSVP email me for details. / dan 

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