Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Daniel Aldana Cohen on "The Death of Carbon".

I had a great time speaking at the Philadelphia Ethical Society this weekend on "The Death of Carbon". For the first time ever, alongside familiar stories from my São Paulo research, I tried to connect how I've thought about climate change to what it was like growing up in a home where the Holocaust and Guatemalan genocides were constant topics, and how my dad's death personalized for me this sense of death's tragic inevitability at a really huge scale. I got into how this shaped the way I first thought about climate change. And I talked about the experiences that led me to think about it climate politics in a different (more "optimistic") way. Anyway... hopefully will write this up soon somewhere in a proper essay, complete w Sebald and Benjamin quotes. A really nice guy (Dan Hoffman) took this photo of me, my first time ever speaking in front of a grand piano! And the PES graciously recorded the talk, link in comments.

Daniel Aldana Cohen link to video audio

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