Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Jeff Goodelll in NYC on April 18

Author Talks:
Want to know what will happen as ocean levels rise? Join me and author at on 4/18...
The Water Will Come: Jeff Goodell with Meehan Crist

Wednesday, April 18, 2018, 6:30 p.m.
Fully accessible to wheelchairs
Program is free, but advance registration is recommended. Priority will be given to those who have registered in advance.

Jeff Goodell combines science writing and first-person journalism to illustrate a climate crisis as it unfolds.

The Water Will ComeFrom small island communities to some of the largest cities in the world, populations will be forced into migration as the land shrinks and coastlines disappear. As ice sheets melt and the Earth gets warmer, we move closer to the brink of large-scale disaster — possibly before the end of the century. Even if we engineer ways to stem the tide and nations are able to work together effectively, there can be no permanent solution to the inevitable flood. In his book The Water Will Come: Rising Seas, Sinking Cities, and the Remaking of the Civilized World Jeff Goodellinvestigates how these environmental changes will reshape the world.
Goodell will be in conversation with Meehan Crist, writer-in-residence in biological sciences at Columbia University, and host of Convergence, a live show and podcast about the future.
Registration does not guarantee admission. For free events, we generally overbook to ensure a full house. Priority will be given to those who have registered in advance, but registration does not guarantee admission. All registered seats are released shortly before start time, and seats may become available at that time. A stand by line will form 30 minutes before the program.
The Program Room opens at 6 PM.

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