Monday, April 16, 2018

Climate activist and cli-fi activist Scott Thill in reply to Kate Marvel's tweet' asking: @DrKateMarvel asks: ''Related: is there any sci-fi where things work out well? Not looking for utopia or dystopia, just plain topia'' Scott replies: Not really, @DrKateMarvel. #SciFi is mostly a militarist, colonialist enterprise where tech nerds blow shit up. But the #CliFi is coming. 🌎 Scott Thill

Climate activist and cli-fi activist Scott Thill in reply to Kate Marvel's tweet' asking:

@DrKateMarvel asks:
''Related: is there any sci-fi where things work out well? Not looking for utopia or dystopia, just plain topia''

Scott replies:

Not really, @DrKateMarvel. #SciFi is mostly a militarist, colonialist enterprise where tech nerds blow shit up. But the #CliFi is coming. 🌎 Scott Thill

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