Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Cli-fi Tweets / April 2018

  1. 回覆給 
    And yet the only thing I think of when someone says they’re writing about climate change is how awful the shortening “cli-fi” is to describe it.
  2. Hi there! Dan Bloom recommended I contact you. I'm a UK writer and a finalist for the Everything Change competition and I'm currently seeking publication/representation for my first YA cli-fi novel? Any advice?
  3. Hi we've sent you an exciting opportunity involving a very well known certain Canadian cli-fi/sci-fi writer on the 1st June in London... Its waiting in your BBC inbox. I do hope it gets to you and we hear back!
  4. 回覆給 
    I heard it described as cli-fi yesterday (climate change ) which I thought was a neat term

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