Thursday, March 8, 2018

cli-fi in the news this week -- March 15, 2018

13 Female 'Cli-Fi' Writers 
Who Are Inspiring A Better Future

For International Women's Day

by Carly Nairn for the Sierra Club


關於「cli-fi」的報導圖片 (來源:EcoWatch)

13 Female 'Cli-Fi' Writers Who Are Inspiring A Better Future

EcoWatch-14 小時前
In fact, the burgeoning genre of cli-fi has already sparked new avenues. Take solarpunk, a sub-genre that ultimately conveys an optimistic view of the future, often by envisioning how present political and cultural movements might realize their missions—such as Black Lives Matter, #TimesUp, #NODAPL and the end of ...
關於「cli-fi」的報導圖片 (來源:Bainbridge Island Review)

'Cli-fi' author tests the waters of tomorrow in Alaska-set novel

Bainbridge Island Review-2018年2月20日
Crafting her own take of a cli-fi-type crisis, Alaska-based author Nancy Lord has penned an examination of ocean acidification in her new novel “pH.” When marine biologist Ray Berringer and his student crew embark on an oceanographic cruise in the Gulf of Alaska, the waters are troubled in more ways ...
關於「cli-fi」的報導圖片 (來源:Village Voice)

“Extreme Whether” Falls Short at Turning Climate-Change ...

Village Voice-2018年3月7日
That makes artists, novelists, and playwrights crucial to the climate discussion: They can shape numbers and charts into narratives starring relatable, real world–adjacent characters that experience just how devastating climate change can be. A new genre — called climate fiction, or “cli-fi” — has emerged in ...

Climate Conflicts: Myth or Reality?

Are climate wars on the horizon, or do they largely lie in the realm of cli-fi fantasy? History can be a guide to the future, so what do past experiences tell us about the relationship between environmental change and conflict? In the case of water, we see a mismatch between assumptions and evidence.
關於「cli-fi」的報導圖片 (來源:BLOUIN ARTINFO)

Margaret Atwood to Headline “Under Her Eye: Women and Climate ...

Atwood has given birth to a whole new genre inspiring a generation of 'Cli-Fi' writers and her contribution has recently been much popularized by the adaptation of her novel “The Handmaid's Tale” for the television series of a same title which recently swept her fans winning awards at the Golden Globes ...
關於「cli-fi」的報導圖片 (來源:Yale Climate Connections)

Downsizing: Matt Damon's funny-ish climate change film

Yale Climate Connections-2018年3月1日
There are several reasons climate communicators and activists, and not just cli-fiaficionados, could benefit by seeing Downsizing, the end-of-2017 movie starring Matt Damon and directed by Alexander Payne – to be released March 20 on disk. 1) It is one of the few films that addresses climate change ...
關於「cli-fi」的報導圖片 (來源:BLOUIN ARTINFO)

Margaret Atwood to Headline International Summit and Arts Festival ...

Atwood has given birth to a whole new genre inspiring a generation of 'Cli-Fi' writers and her contribution has recently been much popularized by the adaptation of her novel “The Handmaid's Tale” for the television series of a same title which recently swept her fans winning awards at the Golden Globes ...
關於「cli-fi」的報導圖片 (來源:Sydsvenskan)

Kjell Vowles: Ett flyktigt liv

Som i mycket annan så kallad cli-fi-litteratur accelererar klimatförändringarna snabbare än vad de flesta forskare varnar för, men jag har svårt att inte gripas av föräldraperspektivet. Framtidens generationer, som det så vackert brukar heta, är redan här. Många av dagens bebisar kommer att vara vid liv vid ...
關於「cli-fi」的報導圖片 (來源:Neue Zürcher Zeitung)

Irgendwann schlägt die Natur zurück

Neue Zürcher Zeitung-2018年3月2日
Seit längerem setzt sich auch die Literatur mit dieser Problematik auseinander. Die Climate-Fiction, kurz Cli-Fi genannt, bespielt dabei unterschiedlichste Register: Mal droht sie im Geist rabiater Zivilisationskritik mit Weltuntergängen wie etwa bei Margaret Atwood, mal zeigt sie sich visionär wie bei Dietmar ...
關於「cli-fi」的報導圖片 (來源:Yale Climate Connections)

Scientist's take: 'Cli-fi' can make a difference

Yale Climate Connections-2017年11月8日
Recently, I participated as a scientist in a forum with Screen Australia, looking at how cli-fi might communicate the issues around climate change in new ways. I'm a heatwave scientist and I'd love to see a cli-fi story bringing the experience of heatwaves to light. After the forum, Screen Australia put out a call ...

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