Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Patrick Lenton at Junkee Media in Australia on Nic Cage's new cli-fi movie THE HUMAN BUREAU

The Humanity Bureau is one of the latest examples of the ”cli-fi” genre, a climate-change-themed  action thriller which revolves around global warming wreaking havoc on the world in the near future. Nicolas Cage plays “an ambitious and impartial caseworker”, who works for a government agency that sends “unproductive members of society” to a colony called “New Eden”, which we just KNOW is nowhere near as pleasant as it sounds. We can be sure that some dystopian truths will be uncovered. Sarah Lind, Jakob Davies and Hugh Dillon have also joined the cast.
The Humanity Bureau hits USA cinemas in April, while the VR series launched on March 2.

Nic Cage’s Next Cli-Fi Film Is Coming To Virtual Reality First, Because Of Course It Is

Patrick Lenton at Junkee Media in Australia on Nic Cage's new cli-fi movie THE HUMAN BUREAU

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