Tuesday, September 5, 2017

From TheConversationAU in Australia, an oped by Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick -- ''Can ‘cli-fi’ actually make a difference? An Australian climate scientist’s perspective''

From TheConversationAU in Australia, an oped by
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick --

YES! Just like ON THE BEACH made a difference in 1957 re nuke winter in OZ. Modern cli-fi novels can and will MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

SEE her piece today with 26 comments and ADD your comments there or here below too

''Can ‘cli-fi’ actually make a difference? A climate scientist’s perspective''


Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick

Research Fellow, UNSW
Sarah’s work focuses on Australian climate extremes. Her work explores observed trends in droughts and heat waves and estimating the uncertainty associated with observations. Sarah is also working on determining the natural and human components of observed regional climate change in Australia, using both observed and climate model data. She will also investigate the combined affects of natural variability and increased greenhouse forcings on changes in climate extremes throughout the 21st Century.


  • 2011–present
    Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Climate Change Research Centre, CoECSS, UNSW
  • 2009–2011
    Climate Scientist, CSIRO


  • 2010 
    UNSW, PhD
  • 2005 
    Macquarie University, Bachelor of Science

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