Cli-fi movies will rise in Communist China, too, in future days as the nation abandons communism and accepts freedom for its people
Sunday, July 30, 2017
CLIMATE DENIALISTS USE THE TERM ***"Climate Fiction" *** to mean mockery of climate facts and Al Gore documentaries! THIS IS WHY i prefer to use the accepted term of "cli-fi" for the kind of novels and movies we are studying (and writing) here.
Dear Editor,
''Al Gore stated that the “Arctic would be free of ice by 2013.” In 2006 Gore said that unless we take drastic measures the world will reach a point of “no return” within 1...0 years, precipitating a true planetary crisis due to “man-made global warming.” It didn’t happen. There have been many scare stories in the media on climate change, one of them arguing that climate change would render Earth uninhabitable by the end of the century. Extraordinarily, Michael “Hockey Stick” Mann told the Philadelphia Inquirer that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence,” and that articles “fail to produce it.” ****Such is the gist of most climate fiction published in local and major media.''****
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
James Pinkerton at Breitbart has his own take on the rise of cli-fi in the 21st century, writing in a recent post:
James Pinkerton at Breitbart has his own take on the rise of cli-fi in the 21st century, writing in a recent post:
''In fact, there’s already a thriving market for climate-change doom-and-gloom. Indeed, there’s a rapidly expanding genre known as climate fiction or cli-fi, which includes such books as Year of the Flood, The Drowned Cities, and The Water Knife; there’s even a book on how to write your own book: Saving the World One Word at a Time: Writing Cli-Fi. And of course, there are plenty of movies with cli-fi plots or themes, including The Day After Tomorrow, Interstellar, and the popular Snowpiercer. And coming soon from producer Dean Devlin in October: Gerard Butler in the Hollywood movie Geostorm.
''It might well be the case, of course, that there’s more eagerness, in Manhattan and Hollywood, to supply these works than there is eagerness among ordinary audiences to consume them. Yet still, the cumulative weight of all this Green-themed content is having some impact as the polls suggest. .
''Yet even if cli-fi can be dismissed as a case of the elite attempting to force-feed its worldview onto the non-elite, we still might be curious to ask: Where did this high-end end-is-nigh impulse come from in the first place? Why are so many in the upper crust so eager to embrace such pessimism?"
Monday, July 10, 2017
Our Approach to Climate Change Isn’t Working. Let’s Try Something Else, says MOTHER JONES magazine Kevin Drum
Well, it had to happen sooner or later. A reporter in New York with a good track record of writing cogent, powerful essays on a variety of topics finally bored into the subject of global warming and the future of humankind. He said things will end in this century. Others replied that his ideas were "climate porn."
Dozens of magazine articles appeared the very next day taking issue with the original article, although a few took the author's side in the brouhaha. No matter what side of the climate debate you are on, all this is must-reading in the summer of 2017.
One thing I found a bit disconcerting was that neither the author, 30-something David Wallace-Wells, a well-known New York journalist, nor any of his critics mentioned or even discussed the rising genre of cli-fi. In fact, cli-fi is a literary genre for novels and movies that explore the very same issues the entire debate was focused on but there was not a peep out of anyone. It is as if cli-fi does not exist in the universe that most scientists and academics live in. And most journalists, Mr Wallace-Wells included, ignore the new genre, even though it has reached a level of popularity unheard of just a few years ago.
Perhaps as a result of the New York Magazine brouhaha, more journalists and literary critics (and academics and scientists) will explore just what cli-fi is all about. It's not your grandfather's sci-fi; it's an entirely new genre with a completele different focus.
Kevin Drum at Mother Jones magazine, a liberal progressive left of center magazine, took a different approach in his article about the New York magazine piece, writing in his headline "Our Approach to Climate Change Isn’t Working. Let’s Try Something Else" here.
Your point of view on all this, pro and con. Comments are welcome from all sides of the aisle. Email me or leave a comment below.
Said one commenter online: ''This article by David Wallace-Wells in NY mag was neither despairing nor hopeful. It was facts. Facts are needed. To demand 'hope' when in fact humanity may very well be doomed is 'fake-news.' Deal with the facts.''
NY Magazine Publishes 7000 Words On How A Global Warming ...
The Daily Caller-14 小時前
“It is, I promise, worse than you think,” New York Magazine writer David Wallace-Wells began his more than 7,000-word article on how global ...
Sunday, July 2, 2017
Global Warming Narrative Novels and Movies Need Cool, Headline-Friendly Terminology: 'Cli-fi'
Global Warming Narrative Novels Need Cool, Headline-Friendly Terminology: 'Cli-fi'
As readers know, global warming is 100% real and human-created. That is why we needed a genre term for novels and movies about climate change and that is why the semi-goofy 5-letter nickname of "Cli-Fi" was coined, promoted, and picked up by the media. Why was the media so keen on the cli-fi term?
Well, for one thing, in terms of editing and newsrooms and space on page, and kindness of eyeballs, be they reading pixels online or real words on newsprint in magazines or newspapers, cli-fi is quick and to the point. It is said as "klai fai" (klye fye), like sci-fi, and it reads easily on the page and in to the ears on radio and TV reports.
So headline writers like the term. So do literary critics and newspaper editors. It has a ring to it. Dozens of newspapers and magazines, 100s even, have already been using the cli-fi term for reader-friendly eyeball purposes. Of course, cli-fi is a shortening of "climate fiction" or the longer "climate change fiction" but those terms, while good, are too long for a newspaper headline or magazine subhead. Plus, the rightwing denialists have been using the term of "climate fiction" to mock the books and movies by Al Gore, James Hansen and Michael Mann at UPenn. So ''climate fiction'' has a toxic ring to it, since the rightwing has already claimed it as their own. Therefore, "cli-fi" has a better ring to it, and it is not toxic at all. And it's in the air. It hits the ear nicely as well on NPR and on CNN.
So cli-fi is the term that we will be using for the next 100 years. It works. Nobody owns it, nobody is getting royalties from it, nobody controls it. Editors approach the term on their own and give it their own spin. It's that kind of term, reader-friendly, editor-friendly, author-friendly.
Hey, it's not easy thinking about global warming. Cli-fi, a short and sweet term, helps us think about it. Headline writers love it. Subheadline writers use it. Nothing beats cli-fi as a term for the kinds of novels and movies we need now and for the next 100 years.
Such labels work well for editors and headline writers and even literary critics, and the cli-fi classification can help us think through the mess we are in. That's why cli-fi was coined, that's why it hit a nerve in the culture at large, that's why we are here today discussing cli-fi. It works.
From a word-coinage perspective, and from an editor in the newsroom perspective, and from a headline writer's need for a short, pithy, easy to remember term, cli-fi fits the bill. It is perfect for these times. Long may it thrive as a focal point of the mess we are in and for the ways we explore solutions to the mess we are in.
Well, for one thing, in terms of editing and newsrooms and space on page, and kindness of eyeballs, be they reading pixels online or real words on newsprint in magazines or newspapers, cli-fi is quick and to the point. It is said as "klai fai" (klye fye), like sci-fi, and it reads easily on the page and in to the ears on radio and TV reports.
So headline writers like the term. So do literary critics and newspaper editors. It has a ring to it. Dozens of newspapers and magazines, 100s even, have already been using the cli-fi term for reader-friendly eyeball purposes. Of course, cli-fi is a shortening of "climate fiction" or the longer "climate change fiction" but those terms, while good, are too long for a newspaper headline or magazine subhead. Plus, the rightwing denialists have been using the term of "climate fiction" to mock the books and movies by Al Gore, James Hansen and Michael Mann at UPenn. So ''climate fiction'' has a toxic ring to it, since the rightwing has already claimed it as their own. Therefore, "cli-fi" has a better ring to it, and it is not toxic at all. And it's in the air. It hits the ear nicely as well on NPR and on CNN.
So cli-fi is the term that we will be using for the next 100 years. It works. Nobody owns it, nobody is getting royalties from it, nobody controls it. Editors approach the term on their own and give it their own spin. It's that kind of term, reader-friendly, editor-friendly, author-friendly.
Hey, it's not easy thinking about global warming. Cli-fi, a short and sweet term, helps us think about it. Headline writers love it. Subheadline writers use it. Nothing beats cli-fi as a term for the kinds of novels and movies we need now and for the next 100 years.
Such labels work well for editors and headline writers and even literary critics, and the cli-fi classification can help us think through the mess we are in. That's why cli-fi was coined, that's why it hit a nerve in the culture at large, that's why we are here today discussing cli-fi. It works.
From a word-coinage perspective, and from an editor in the newsroom perspective, and from a headline writer's need for a short, pithy, easy to remember term, cli-fi fits the bill. It is perfect for these times. Long may it thrive as a focal point of the mess we are in and for the ways we explore solutions to the mess we are in.
Saturday, July 1, 2017
The Behind the Scenes Mini-Documentary, 22 minutes, from ZoomerTV in Canada on the Making of the First Ever Yiddish Performance of O Canada national anthem in time for the 150th birthday of Canada
The Behind the Scenes Mini-Documentary, 22 minutes, from ZoomerTV in Canada on the Making of the First Ever Yiddish Performance of O Canada national anthem in time for the 150th birthday of Canada on July 1st.
With shout outs to NYT reporter Craig Smith, Canadian global networker and novelist Margaret Atwood, and a cast of hundreds who made all this happen. --
Go behind the scenes for the making of the first-ever Yiddish singing of O Canada in Celebration of Canada’s 150th Birthday.
On June 6, 2017, Moses Znaimer, Founder of ZoomerMedia and Executive Producer of VisionTV, hosted a group of multi- generational and multi-cultural choristers in the singing of Canada’s national anthem, O Canada, in an unprecedented Yiddish version by Hindy Nosek-Abelson, a lyrical translator of Yiddish poetry and songs, lecturer and Yiddish dialect coach for stage and film.
Among the 150 participants were celebrated actress and Voice of VisionTV Marilyn Lightstone, Canadian music and visual artists Liona Boyd, Paul Hoffert, Denise Williams, and Charles Pachter, and theZoomer’s Libby Znaimer.
Yiddish O Canada
The Yiddish language version of Canada’s National Anthem was sung at The ZoomerPlex, in Toronto’s Liberty Village and was shot for broadcast on VisionTV. The ZoomerPlex is the home of ZoomerMedia, the multi-media company Moses founded in 2008, devoted to content and services for Canada’s 15.8 million people aged 45plus, the population Moses has dubbed “Zoomers”.
“Yiddish was the first language of most Jewish immigrants to Canada from the late 1800s on. While Yiddish was almost extinguished in the Holocaust, there remains a powerful love for the language shared by many people, now mostly Zoomers. It is also enjoying an academic and musical renaissance with Yiddish courses offered in most major universities including Oxford, UCLA, Columbia, McGill and University of Toronto,” said Nosek-Abelson.
Sing along with Yiddish ‘O Canada’. Download a copy of the translated lyrics right here!
It all started with a simple question about whether it had ever been done before. Had O Canada ever been translated into and performed in Yiddish? The question came via celebrated Canadian novelist Margaret Atwood, who was following up on a request from Dan Bloom, a freelance writer living in Taiwan, who had, in turn, received an inquiry from Craig S. Smith, a New York Times reporter, asking if he knew how many languages O Canada had been translated into.
Atwood approached Charles Pachter about the possibility of putting together a Yiddish version and soon, Marilyn Lightstone heard about the idea and presented it to Moses Znaimer. Hindy Nosek-Adelson was approached to do the translation of our national anthem into Yiddish. Then, it needed to be turned into a visual and aural reality via the efforts of ZoomerMedia’s production team and VP of Communications, Leanne Wright.
Yiddish O Canada
The experience was so moving and affirming for all involved that we decided to share that experience with our viewing audience in The Making of Yiddish O Canada. Join us on Friday, June 30 at 10:30pm ET/7:30pm PT for a special encore presentation. Continue watching at 11pm ET/8pm PT for a special, celebratory Canada 150 edition of theZoomer.
READ MORE: ''How a Group of Toronto Artists Spearheaded a Yiddish Version of O Canada''.