Tuesday, April 4, 2017

A book blurb for Kenneth Wick's important cli-fi novel PROGENY'S PROMISE (2017)


''PROGENY'S PROMISE'' by Kenneth Wick is an important cli-fi novel that joins a chorus of such novels echoing across the world. It's in Kindle Select and getting interest through Kindle Unlimited and it's also picking up readers on InstaFreebie and Goodreads. I've read it and recommend it highly.

In the cli-fi realm, ''Progeny's Promise'' features a unique theme. And it's a blend of sorts, that conveys an important message: that climate change can sometimes seem to be slow but at the same time can happen real fast. Wick's novel wakes us up to this fact. An alarm bell, a wake-up call, a warning flare: this book is all three wrapped up in one! Read it!

-- Dan Bloom, The Cli-Fi Report

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