Saturday, January 21, 2017

A literary event featuring KSR speaking about his new cli-fi novel - April 6, 2017 at the Buell Center

Spring 2017 Buell Center Events:

 A literary event featuring KSR speaking about his new cli-fi novel

''New York 2140,'' a new cli-fi novel by Kim Stanley Robinson set in 2140 

 April 6 at 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.  Book Launch and Discussion
Presented in concert with the Buell Center's ongoing project, "Power: Infrastructure in America," this launch follows on last spring's event "Power and the Space of the Planet," at which KSR gave the keynote address. 

The Buell Center -- photo below -- would like to welcome its new Program Manager, Jordan Steingard, who comes to us from Metropolis Books.


The Temple Hoyne
Buell Center
for the Study of
American Architecture

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