When Canadian eco-thriller writer and essayist Nina Munteanu, author of ''WATER IS...'' (see it on Amazon books page) when she gave Margaret Atwood a personal copy of "Water Is..." when she met her in Oakville, Canada few months ago... and with Nina never thinking this NYT quote would ever happen, lo and behold, in the NEW YORK TIMES, year in review in the books section this week, it did happen and Dr Atwood is quoted as saying: [Googl nytimes.com for full page link]
Margaret Atwood, along with 100 other famous writers, was asked what books she was reading now in 2016 year end article in the NYT and she said:
''As many will be emphasizing fiction, history and politics, I chose my books instead from a still-neglected sector. All hail, elemental spirits! You’re making a comeback! “Water Is…,” by Nina Munteanu. We can’t live without it, so maybe we should start respecting it; this beautifully designed book by a limnologist looks at water from 12 different angles, from life and motion and vibration to beauty and prayer. ''
“The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate — Discoveries From a Secret World,” by Peter Wohlleben. Maybe Tolkien’s Ents are real after all? Read this and you’ll be wondering. And to go with it, “Weeds: In Defense of Nature’s Most Unloved Plants,” by Richard Mabey. They’re better for you than you think, they hold the waste spaces of the world in place, and you can eat some of them.
''And, in honor of Ariel, air spirit of “The Tempest”: “Birds and People,” by Mark Cocker. Vast, historical, contemporary, many-levelled: we’ve been inseparable from birds for millenniums. They’re crucial to our imaginative life and our human heritage, and part of our economic realities. Time to pay attention to the nonhuman life around us, without which human life would fail.
I sent this quote and link to Nina today and she replied by email: "That's crazy wild. Thanks so much for noticing and sending to me. Looks like I'm in good company too. Wohlleben's #1 bestselling book about trees is spectacular and I am honoured to be mentioned alongside him. "
see www.nytimes.com
NYT Books http://nyti.ms/2i14mbz Nina Munteanu's ''WATER IS..." as recced by Margaret Atwood: ''looks at water from 12 different angles'' ....MY TWEET..... and sent QUOTE to Nina. WOW. BRAVO! re WOW! Nina to me just now after i sent her the quote and link to the quote: "Hehe... That's pretty nice, eh? I gave her a copy of "Water Is..." when I met her in Oakville a few months ago... never thinking this would happen. That's crazy wild. Thanks so much for noticing and sending to me. Looks like I'm in good company too since Wohlleben's #1 bestselling book about trees is spectacular and I am honoured to be mentioned alongside him.''