Saturday, December 24, 2016

Marching in the streets shouting climate change slogans at elected leaders will NOT make the difference. Acting to organize consumers locally, nationally, regionally and globally might.

words by Bo Lidegaard, former editor of the Danish daily  newspaper ''Politiken''
 ''The fourth component of the “we” who must act are engaged consumers worldwide.
Marching in the streets shouting slogans at elected leaders will NOT make the difference. Acting to organize consumers locally, nationally, regionally and globally might.
The message needs to be sent not only by individual consumers, but also by organizations with the capacity to encourage and amplify the message: “We will NOT buy products and services defying the sustainability agenda, and we will *give preference* to quality products and brands that respect and promote sustainability.”
Whatever form it takes, the message should be direct and transparent, and it should also target US corporations taking advantage of any relaxation of domestic environmental and emission standards.
Many of us did not vote for Trump and not all of us are obliged to follow his lead. It is the other way around — the more strongly we organize to stay the course and reinforce action to halt global warming and promote sustainability, the more likely it will be that pragmatic members of the new majority can minimize the damage at home and abroad.''

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