Saturday, December 17, 2016

ENG 390 The Environmental Imagination MORE CLI-FI CLASSES on USA COLLEGES

ENG 390 The Environmental Imagination taught by Dr. Paul Bogard, T/TH 3:30 – 4:45

In this new creative writing course we will explore the rich tradition of American environmental writing. Through reading widely and writing our own essays we will gain an understanding of the tradition, challenges, and importance of this distinctly American genre. Our writing will include a number of short pieces that focus on the skills of awareness, writing place, and significant detail. Our readings will include Cormac McCarthy’s novel The Road, poetry by Mary Oliver, the cli-fi thriller The Collapse of Western Civilization, and selections from the anthology American Earth. Please contact Professor Paul Bogard with any questions: This course counts toward the Environmental Humanities minor and the Creative Writing minor.

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