Saturday, December 17, 2016

Australia cli-fi workshop: ''Writing the End of the World,'' with cli-fi novelist Alice Robionson

Australia cli-fi workshop: ''Writing the End of the World,'' with cli-fi novelist Alice Robionson

A portrait of Alice Robinson
Alice Robinson
17 January 2017 - 10:00 to 4:00 PM
Alice Robinson
Early, Emerging
Stories often grow from place. But what happens when the places you are writing about are degraded, decayed or destroyed?
Find out how to begin your ‘cli-fi’ novel, explore research, character, structure, theme and setting. Immerse yourself in place-based writing and learn to create fiction with apocalyptic and dystopian elements. Participants are encouraged to bring laptops and come armed with ideas for a novel or a work-in-progress.

You will learn

  • how to develop a basic plan or outline for your “cli-fi” novel
  • how to approach dystopian world-building
  • how relationships between place, identity and memory can function in narrative
  • how to incorporate research into your fiction writing
  • traditional novel writing elements such as structure, character and setting

About Alice Robinson

Alice Robinson is a writer of fiction and nonfiction. Her debut novel, ‘Anchor Point’, was longlisted for the 2016 Stella Prize, the 2016 Indie Book Awards (debut fiction), and was named one of 25 Best Book Club Reads in the Herald Sun. She has a PhD in Creative Writing focusing on climate change in Australia.
Read our Q&A with Alice: Why bleaker is better

Climate and Environment

Read more about workshops on climate and environment writing:
Environmental Non-Fiction, 12 January
The Narratives of Climate Change, 25 January

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