Sunday, October 16, 2016

Talkin' Cli-Fi Blues

Talkin' Cli-Fi Blues

(( A message in a bottle found floaing down the river of Time, circa April 7, [New York 2140]  ))

''You mighta not been aware we be headin' for disaster of the untold kind, the unspeakable indescribable kind becos few people knew it and even fewer cared and it's one long descent into hell and high water and it's coming around the bend, not now, but in a couple of more centuries, 30 more generations of Man and Woman is all we got left and the time to start preparing for what is to come is getting closer and closer. Before it's too late but it's already too late and everyone knows that by now. All we can do now is mourn mourn mourn the coming of the End, a massive species die-off, and this time it's the human species who's gonna go, us, yes, us. This airconditioned anthropocenic nightmare of unforeseen proportions, wild horses trampling on our dreams, human long-evolved conciousness squished in the stampede to save what we can when we can if we can yet it's useless, senseless, we are doomed doomed as the Bible said Verse 1 Chapter Zero. It's curtains. Our goose be cooked. Prepare for the die-off, all of us, in 26,000 days. Denialists? Denied.''

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