Saturday, October 8, 2016

Desperately seeking an original (by YOU) photo that depicts the essence of our global warming human angst in an iconic way, with face(s). Social media remuneration. [RSVP: send pics via email]

Desperately seeking an original (by YOU) photo that depicts the essence of our global warming human angst in an iconic way, with face(s). Social media remuneration. [RSVP: send pics via email]

Desperately seeking an original (by YOU) photo that depicts the essence of our global warming human angst in an iconic way, with a human face or faces. Children? Adults? Location? Your choice and creativity. Photo can be in your earlier files or a new photo taken specifically for this photocon.

*Social media remuneration. See * BELOW:

[RSVP: send pics via email]

We are looking for an iconic photo, black and white or COLOUR, which has the iconic power to reach millions of people with its gravitas. A photo for our times. A photo that can come to symbolize the efforts to combat global warming and to become aware of it.

All photos will be looked at carefully. When we see the photo we are looking for, we will know it. we have no idea what it will look like now. We are open to your creativity and vision.

*When the finalist is selected, this blog will use its considerable social media power to blast your photo and your credit byline for taking the photo IN YOUR NAME and we will do all we can to make your photo and your NAME go viral and global. There is no funding for this. But we will do all we can to make your photo famous worldwide with your name attached to it. A career boost for sure.

Photos like these 25 from the past:

25 of the most iconic photographs

GOOGLE IMAGES HERE:;_ylt=A8tUwYtOqvlX3j0A8Axr1gt.;_ylu=X3oDMTBycDRvanUzBGNvbG8DdHcxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=Iconic&fr=yfp-t-684-tw

Iconic - examples from the past

  • The Most Iconic Photographs Of The 1950s
  • Staged: The iconic photograph of workers enjoying their break whilst ...
  • The Most Iconic Photographs Of The 1950s
  • Photos: 25 of the most iconic photographs


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