Sunday, October 9, 2016

At 97, James Lovelock, the UK Scientist Who Created ‘Gaia Theory’ and Runaway Global Warming, Isn’t Worried About Global Warming So Much now Because ''Robots Will Take Over Soon''

Daily Caller News Foundation

At 97, James Lovelock, The UK Scientist Who Created ‘Gaia Theory’ and Predicted Runaway Global Warming leading to the Climapocalypse Isn’t Worried About Global Warming Because ''Robots Will Take Over Soon''

As the creator of “gaia theory,” James Lovelock warned for decades that global warming would virtually wipe out humanity, but in a recent interview, the 97-year-old scientist had some harsh words for global warming alarmists.
“Anyone who tries to predict more than five to 10 years is a bit of an idiot, because so many things can change unexpectedly,” Lovelock told The Guardian in a recent interview.
“CO2 is going up, but nowhere near as fast as they thought it would,” he said. “The computer models just weren’t reliable. In fact, I’m not sure the whole thing isn’t crazy, this climate change.”
“You’ve only got to look at Singapore,” he added. “It’s two-and-a-half times higher than the worst-case scenario for climate change, and it’s one of the most desirable cities in the world to live in.”
The Guardian’s Decca Aitkenhead reminded Lovelock in their interview that he was one of those issuing dire predictions when they last talked in 2008. Lovelock responded, “but I’ve grown up a bit since then.”
Lovelock has been a fixture of the environmental community for decades, probably most famous for his “Gaia Hypothesis” — the theory the Earth is a single, self-regulating organism.
Gaia theory is the bedrock of the environmental movement and, as Aitkenhead noted, the “founding principle of most climate science.” But now, Lovelock is turning on his longtime allies.
“Well, it’s a religion, really, you see,” Lovelock said of the environmental movement. “It’s totally unscientific.”
“I’m not anti-green in the sense that I’m in favour of polluting the world with every damn thing we make,” he said. “I think we’ve got to be careful. But I’m afraid, human nature being what it is, the thing gets exaggerated out of all proportion, and the greens have behaved deplorably instead of being reasonably sensible.”
Lovelock also believes global warming won’t be a problem for humans because robots will have taken over the world by the end of the century.
“Whether they’ll have taken over peacefully or otherwise, I have no idea,” he said.
“The world that they’re going to be comfortable in is wildly different from the one that we feel comfortable in,” he said of the implication of a robot takeover on global warming.
“They won’t give a fourpenny fuck about the temperature, because to them the change will be slow, and they can stand quite a big change without any fuss,” he said. “They could accommodate infinitely greater change through climate change than we can, before things get tricky for them. It’s what the world can stand that is the important thing. They’re going to have a safe platform to live in, so they don’t want Gaia messed about too much.”
Lovelock also dismissed concerns U.K. environmentalists have about hydraulic fracturing, or fracking for natural gas. Many environmentalists in the country contend fracking will cause earthquakes, to which Lovelock replied: So what?
“Sure enough, that’s true, there will be an increase,” Lovelock said of earthquakes. “But they’re tiny little tremors, they would be imperceptible.”
“You see, gas in America is incredibly cheap, because of fracking,” he said, rolling his eyes at further mentions of fracking quakes.
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