Friday, October 7, 2016

American Publishing Consultant Mike Shatzkin Shifts Focus to Climate Change Activism

Savvy American Publishing Consultant Mike Shatzkin Shifts Focus to Climate Change Activism

Mike Shatzkin
Mike Shatzkin, a longtime Aemrican book publishing consultant and guru, who founded and is head of the Idea Logical Company, recently outlined on his blog some major changes he's making in his business life.

 "My interest and involvement in trade publishing is a permanent condition, so I'll definitely still be consulting, helping fledgling publishers and tech start-ups with a publishing angle as well as a few mainstay companies that value my knowledge and insight."

But he added, he plans to devote his "business development" energy to working on climate change. This will include "some initiatives I'm not quite ready to talk about yet, but it largely means seeking out experts on various aspects of the subject and helping them put together book projects that will spread the messages that are most critical to humanity's survival, which, unfortunately, doesn't seem to be the sure thing it was when I started my working career."


".....My primary personal interest today is not about making a living. It is about dedicating my time, knowledge, and connections to the one cause that should interest us all: the effects of climate change. I find myself far more interested in developing the best possible book on coping with the impacts of sea level rise (which I am doing at the moment with an undiscovered sea level rise expert I am about to introduce to publishers) than in helping a publisher market their next big book.

''.....I’ll be back to being mostly on my own working from home, as I did for many years until the early 1990s. My interest and involvement in trade publishing is a permanent condition, so I’ll definitely still be consulting, helping fledgling publishers and tech start-ups with a publishing angle as well as a few mainstay companies that value my knowledge and insight.

But my “business development” energy will be devoted to working on climate change. That will include some initiatives I’m not quite ready to talk about yet, but it largely means seeking out experts on various aspects of the subject and helping them put together book projects that will spread the messages that are most critical to humanity’s survival, which, unfortunately, doesn’t seem to be the sure thing it was when I started my working career.


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