Friday, August 26, 2016

Join film director Rob Callender for his KickStarter campaign to fund his upcoming cli-fi movie titled "INCENTIVE"

Rob Callender


tells this blog [and our sister cli-fi cinema blog]

"I think our movie could be called a cli-fi movie, sure, but it is absolutely not a disaster movie. It is about psychology, motivation and, yes, fictional future scenarios so I believe it is cli-fi. Kickstarter is live on Monday / Tuesday now which should have some more details. -- Rob

Rob is an extremely talented young British actor who graduated from the Guildhall School of Music & Drama in the UK in 2013. He is best known for his role as Guy Bennett in Julian Mitchell's play 'Another Country' which played at the Chichester Festival Theatre before transferring to the Trafalgar Studios on London's West End in 2014 where it earned considerable critical acclaim.
- IMDb Mini Biography By: R Jewkes

by incentivefilm

Where are all the provocative, human, bold, dirty little fiction films about climate change? Here's one

THE INCENTIVE is a bold short film about climate change written by Rob Callender. It will be directed by Rob Callender and Max McGill, and produced by Campbell Beaton, Edmund Alcock and Max Fletcher.

Where are the rallying cry movies about climate change? 

We want to make the topic of global warming  appeal to audiences that don’t go to documentaries that confirm their beliefs. I’m making the film I wish I’d seen when I was sixteen but also the film I think my 85 year old grandfather would enjoy. He likes and needs (he’s getting deaf and falls asleep very quickly) excitement, not a film that makes him feel guilty about his life choices. He’s on the fence about climate change and thinks it’s too late for him. He needs a film that will make it real.

The Incentive is also for everyone who worries that Naomi Klein’s mantra  “capitalism is at war with the climate” means we’re doomed. We’re not. But we don’t have much time. We need to start making changes fast. 

What changes do we need to make?

We’ve got permission to film at some brilliant sustainability-themed locations including a dam, an indoor farm and Tesla are letting us borrow a car! Now all we need is your support to get us there. The point is that we already have the solutions, we just need to make them mainstream and that means making them cheaper and making them sexy.

So, why haven’t we seen meaningful action on climate change?

The Incentive is a fictional scenario inspired by comments of world thinkers and leaders. Fiction allows us to ask dangerous questions and provoke. It lets us explore not just what we need to do, what will happen if we don’t etc., but the psychology of human action itself. It’s about people and minds not CGI-created existential threats.  How could we motivate the entire species? Who could do that? What would they need? 
The aim isn’t to educate but to draw attention to our education. The greatest thing standing in the way of action on climate change is what we have each been taught to believe, especially, “I’m just one person. What difference can I make?” People make all the difference. You make all the difference!

I’ve been working on this movie for two years. I took it to production companies in film and TV all around London and they honestly all said the same thing, “We love your script, we think it’s important, we’d love to be involved, but we don’t see the money in these stories… unless you can get Henry Cavill to play every part… can you do that?” It was clear I wouldn’t get it made unless I rewrote the female roles for Dennis Quaid.

Pinewood and Hollywood weren’t going to make it so I seized that – I rewrote it as the short that Hollywood wouldn’t make. Reader, I’ll never go back! It won’t appeal to everyone because taking a hard look at some of the choices climate change is forcing us to face does not appeal to everyone. The quest to make a global warming film that offends no one and is “pure truth” is insane because there is no single question and no single answer.

Personally, it’s the films that make me squirm with awe and anger and new thoughts that stick with me the longest, not the casual merely well-made movie that says nothing new. The Incentive, I’ve been reliably informed, is the film of that first variety.

The Incentive is an incentive. I hope you love it, I hope you hate it and I hope it moves you but, of course, we had to make sure the script is accurate. So we had it checked by some extremely lovely, clued-in people. Here’s what they said:
“This visionary movie shows where things might go if we leave it too late and the power is taken out of our hands, while also shining a light on brilliant and advanced solutions. It offers a peek into a potential future and a powerful incentive, as the choice is still ours: we can be forced to adapt or change pro-actively.” 
— Annick de Witt Ph.D.
Institute for Environmental Studies, VU University Amsterdam
“We all want to achieve good outcomes and do so through decent means. When it comes to climate change, it may not be long before that is not an option any more, as this chilling, gripping movie reminds us.” 
— Ha-Joon Chang, Economist
University of Cambridge, author of ‘Economics: The User’s Guide’.
“A drama that reflects what is increasingly clear in climate policy: people are motivated largely by crises, and that solutions to those crises must be taken from wherever they are found regardless of the motives behind the actors.”
— Dr Douglas Crawford-Brown, Director
Cambridge Centre for Climate Change Mitigation Research
Sign up to INCENTIVE NEWS to keep updated with our progress as it happens.
We would love and we need your support to get this film made. We believe that getting provocative, accessible and visceral narratives out there is an important step in bringing a sustainability mindset to the mainstream. With your help we can do that together!
And please get in touch if you would like more information: It is honestly my favourite thing to talk about!

Rob C



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