Saturday, July 2, 2016

Hollywood has not released any climate-themed feature films in 2016. At this time in history, in Anthrocenic technicolor history, how could this happen?

Dear Friends in the Cli-fi Community Worldwide,
Hollywood has not released any climate-themed feature films in 2016. At this time in history, in Anthrocenic technicolor history, how could this happen?

RE: ''TROUBLE IN TINSELTOWN!'' = not one climate themed movie released in 2016. WTF? The first time in 13 years with NO CLI-FI MOVIE AT ALL. THE ENTIRE YEAR! NADA!

A climate-action friend of mine in the midst of writing an update on ''cli-fi'' films in Hollywood for 2016 for a major publication and it will appear later next week, as scheduled and if not then due to July 4 holidays then later in July, tells me.... his search of the relevant databases (i.e. IMDB) this academic ''cli-fi storm chaser'' friend of mine, PHD, has not found any film released or scheduled for 2016 that makes any meaningful reference to climate change. !!!!

Yes, there's two movies -- ''Geostorm'' and ''A Sweet Spot in Time,'' -- which are scheduled for release in 2017, -- and you might be aware of some late 2015 releases (e.g. see link to imdb link ''Unnatural''), -- but in fact we are not seeing any full-length, fictional cli-fi film from Hollywood or independents like Sundance in 2016.

Does that square with your information?

If so, that means 2016 is the first time ***in 13 years*** that no full-length, fictional film has addressed climate change.

''UNNATURAL'' (2015) -
Global climate change prompts a scientific corporation to genetically modify Alaskan polar bears with horrific and deadly results
SWEET SPOT IN TIME (2017) release
 ''Sweet Spot in Time'' is the personal journey of a 15-year-old fighting for his generation's future. It shows the world of 2100 - if we fail to act. This dramatic, but scientifically accurate, cli-fi story follows a character that has been separated from his family due to a climate and ecological disaster, and now has to travel inland to find salvation.


***"Curious, empathetic, compassionate: What we should be as human beings."***

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