Sunday, July 3, 2016

Dr Andrew Milner at Liverpoool's #SFRA2016conference called for an ''ON THE BEACH'' of cli-fi novels


Issued first on Twitter on June 16, 2016 and have been promoting this idea since 2013:

We are looking for a novelist in Australia or the UK or the USA or France or Germany or Italy or Japan or China or Taiwan, or from any nation on this Earth, female or male, young or older,  to write a cli-fi novel in the future with the power of Nevil Shute’s 1957 “0n the Beach.” We will be reposting this msg here and there and everywhere online including twitter and FB for next 20 years 24/7.


Jun 29
Climate change science needs it's own version of Nevil Shute 's ''On the Beach'' (it made Milner join the Committtee for Nuclear Disarmament!)

tweeted during live-tweeting session: ''Dr Andrew Milner at Liverpoool's UK conference calls for ''ON THE BEACH'' of cli-fi novels!''

Dr Andrew Milner at Liverpoool's #SFRA2016 UK conference in some off the cuff remarks during his keynote also called for an ''ON THE BEACH'' of cli-fi novels! This remark was recorded in a live-tweeting tweet by one of the academics attending the conference on June 28, 2016.





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