Thursday, June 16, 2016

Editors and agents coming aboard the ''Cli-Fi Train'' in 2016 and 2017

The UK and USA and Australian book publishing industry centered in Manhattan and London and Sydney is sending direct signals that they are finally coming aboard the Cli-Fi Train -- and ''acquiring editors'' and ltierary agents in all three cities want to talk to cli-fi writers !

It's not important what the genre is called by you or your agent or your publishing or your marketing team: your novel might be called cli-fi, which is a popular term now, or it might also be called "a climate fiction novel" or "an Anthropocene Fiction novel" or even a sci-fi novel (with a climate change theme). Labels are not important. They are useful for newspaper editors and librarians and academics writing conference papers, and they are also useful for headline writers and internet editors. But in the end, the STORY you tell about people living their lives in the midst of global warming impact events in the past, the present or the near future, THAT is what  will be finally important, THE STORY.

I call the motif/meme as cli-fi because it's a catchy way to think about the genre, but publishers and agents and their PR people will market the novels as they wish. Some will call your novels cli-fi, others will call them sci-fi, others might call them CCF {climate change fiction, a la SF} and still others might just called them "literary fiction" or speculative fiction. All the labels are good ones and all of them work. It will be up to the CEOs and agents and editors to decide how the publish your climate-themed novel. Since the cli-fi meme is catching on, I envision many agents and editors climbing aboard the cli-fi train, asit now prepares to set off on its 100-year journey around the world in a variety of languages.

So don't worry about labels, and don't worry about how to market your novel. Just write it. And find and agent and an editor to get it out there. Or get it out there yourself via self-publishing platforms.

Meanwhile, here is where we are as of July 4, 2016......

Cli-Fi ''Shop Talk'' for Writers:

According to industry sources this blog is in contact with in London and Sydney and Manhattan, more and more acquiring editors and literary agents are beginning to accept queries [and actual on-spec manuscripts!] for cli-fi novels and short story collections. This is big news and even bigger big news is coming soon from a major publication in London this fall of 2016.

One big novel already written and being prepared for publication on March 21, 2017 is Kim Stanley Robinson's major cli-fi novel titled "New York 2140" and in that time frame. Google the title to see the details and over online already. How KSR's publishers will market the novel will be up to them, of course, so it will be interesting to see hor they PR it: as cli-fi or sci-fi or spec fic or literary fiction.


This is good news for all budding cli-fi novelists and short story writers. Fasten your seatbelts, read up and who's who and what's what, and start sending in your queries and cover letters.

Among those said to be in the game now are savvy New York editor Sean MacDonald at FSG, one of the top houses on Publishers Row in Manhattan. He's served as acquiring editor for such climate-savvy novelists as Nathaniel Rich and others, according to industry sources. In addition, literary agents such as John Silbersack at Trident Media are  getting into handling novels in the cli-fi genre, too. Slowly. It's happening! John has a cli-fi novel coming out in September from an important new author-- Meg Little Reilly's ''WE ARE UNPREPARED'' but I have no idea how they will market the book or whether or not they will use the cli-fi term, but it's look like the media will review the debuit novel as cli-fi is!


Over 15 years ago, John Silbersack decided on a major career change. He became a literary agent after years of working at publishing houses, rising to the rank of Editor-in-Chief and Publisher at top tier houses such as Penguin and Harper. Considering the monumental changes that have occurred in publishing in the past years, perhaps John had a crystal ball. “No,” John says, “I did not forecast the advent of all of this change over ten years ago. I thought that I had achieved all that could be done in my career on the publishing side, and I wanted to become an entrepreneur.”
John worked at several publishing companies, and founded six imprints, including ROC Books at Penguin, Warner Aspect, and three at Harper (Prism, Entertainment, and Children’s Entertainment).
When John joined Trident, the literary agency had just started. “I had confidence that my skills and my experience would be a significant advantage, and I believed that under Robert Gottlieb’s leadership, Trident would quickly become the leading literary agency.”
Because of his expertise and unique background, John has attracted a diverse group of writers and clients in all types of fiction and nonfiction, literary fiction, crime fiction, SF and fantasy fiction, science, history, biography, current events, memoirs, finance,  pop culture, narrative non-fiction and children’s books.  John’s clients have won many awards and many of them are top-of-the-list international and New York Times bestsellers. Drawing on his editorial experience, John works closely with his authors in the development and editing of their work. He is interested in new clients who have a passion for their subject or for storytelling and who want to work collaboratively to build an ascending career. He is particularly interested in taking on emerging new thriller and suspense writers and literary estates of all kinds.
What about the changes that are happening now? “I believe that I am very well-equipped to help my clients navigate the changes that are occurring at a rapid pace. I’ve seen publishing from every level and from every angle you could imagine. I’m ready for the new challenges on the horizon.”

In addition, a major UK publishing platform is poised to report in the fall of 2016 a major publishing industry SCOOP on how cli-fi is a game-changer now, a genre-smashing ''new kid on the block.'' This news SCOOP will appear in print in the fall, but this blogger is not allowed to say the date in public just yet, but know that on very good authority it is coming soon. The publishing SCOOP of 2016. The publishing industry will never be the same!

The article I am referencing here has been written by a woman in London who knows the publishing industry from A to Z and her SCOOP is going to blow the book business on both sides of the Atlantic --and in New Zealand and Australia, too, and maybe France and Germany as well! -- out of the staid stagnan water of the past. This is very good news for budding cli-fi novelists and screewriters. YOUR DAY is arriving.

STAY TUNED To This Blog!

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