Saturday, June 4, 2016

Cli-fi Down Under: The Nevil Shute of Australia arises in 2016 with her debut novel WATERSHED from PenguinRandom House

What Jane Abbott has conjured here in this post apoca cli-fi novel WATERSHED set in a near future Australia, although it could be the USA or Europe, too, is an extraordinary imaginary that will stand the test of time. If Nevil Shute was able to warn Australians (and the world) about the perils of nuclear war and nuclear winter in his landmark 1957 novel "On The Beach," Jane Abbott has called out a similar ''cri de coeur'' over the perils of what might become of us all come the Climapocalypse in the distant future. This is an "On the Beach"  of our times, an
"On the Beach" for Australians (and the world) that is to climate change what Shute's novel was to nuke winter. I read it in that way. You might want to read it that way too. Up to you.


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