Monday, June 27, 2016

Cli-fi Book Club to meet in Cleveland area on July 20 at the Solon Public Library, lead by cli-fi author Richard Friedman

What appears to be the nation’s second community book club devoted to reading “Cli-Fi” — fiction focused on climate change and its impacts — will have its first gathering on July 20 in Solon, Ohio, led by cli fi author Richard Friedman there.

The starting text is Barbara Kingsolver’s novel “Flight Behavior.

And the basis for conferring second-in-the-nation status comes from climate activist and literary theorist Dan Bloom, a 76 year-old blogger who coined the term “Cli-Fi” and curates a steady stream of repor
ts for academics and others interested in what he considers a distinct and important literary genre.
Bloom found it worth this note in his blog:
Although this reporter has been following the rise of the Cli fi genre over the past few years, I had no idea that these specialized book clubs were coming. In fact, I had never met Ms. Rutledge before last week. This idea is her idea, and she carried it out with her team in Minnesota. And now Richard Friedman is paying the idea forward.!


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