Sunday, June 12, 2016

A Blog in CHINA on Cli-Fi meme (in CHinese)


【摘要】:正cli-fi亦可写作cli fi,是climate fiction的简写形式。据Wordspy网站介绍,其英文意思为:"A literary or movie genre featuring dystopian stories of Earth affected by extreme climate change."(以关于地球受到气候变化极端事件影响的反面乌托邦故事为特色的一种文学体裁或电影类型。)
cli-fj亦可写作cli fi,是climate fiction的简写形式。据Wordspy网站介绍,其英 文意思、为:“A literary or movie genre featuring dystopian stories of Earth affected by extreme climate change.”(以关于地球受到气候变化极端事件影响的反面乌托邦 故事为特色的一种文

A website in CHINESE inside communist CHINA [PRC] on the cli-fi meme: --

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